LERA@ASSA 2020 January 3-5, 2020 in San Diego, CA in conjunction with ASSA/AEA
The 2020 LERA@ASSA Program Committee brings you 18 sessions on leading topics addressing Labor and Employment Relations Issues, which you are invited to attend. Registration and hotel accommodations will be addressed online at the ASSA/AEA website, registration and housing open September 19 at 11am EDT at https://conf.aeaweb.org, and the earlybird registration deadline is December 3rd. The registration ID is required to book a room. The most up-to-date information about registration and housing can always be found at the ASSA/AEA Annual Meeting Web page, which you can find here: https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2020/. The ASSA/AEA handles all logistics for this conference. If needed, please contact them here.
Registration | Housing | LERA Program | Event Summary | Program Committee | Participant Information
3 Basic steps to attend conference
Regular early bird registration is $85 before December 3. After December 3 the registration rate increases to $145. Note: you must register before you will be able to take advantage of the deeply discounted hotel room rates. LERA sessions will be held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego. You can pick up your meeting registration packet at the ASSA/AEA registration desk in the San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina, Pacific Ballroom.
In the past, when you registered for the ASSA meeting, you created an account in the registration system. Please do not create a new account this year. Instead, log back into your existing account to register for any of this year's meetings. To prepare ahead of time, if you have forgotten your username and/or password, use the Forgot your password option. (Please note that the conference system is se parate from the AEA membership system. It is possible that you used the same credentials for both, but they could be different.) All new users simply visit their website and create a username and password for the first time.
The login/registration page will be closed from 5 p.m. EDT on September 18th until registration opens at 11 a.m. EDT on the 19th. Please check your login information before 5 p.m. EDT, September 18th.
As part of the efforts the AEA is making to attempt to improve the climate of the economics profession, interviewing in regular hotel rooms is strongly discouraged. Therefore, the suites that are available in the ASSA room block are reserved for employers who will be conducting interviews. General attendees of the meeting are asked to support this initiative by reserving a regular hotel room and affirming that it will not be used for interviews. Suite reservations for employers will open on September 10th at 11:00 a.m. EDT and general attendee ASSA registration and housing will open on September 19th at 11:00 a.m. EDT. To book a suite on September 10th, a suite code is required. You can request a suite reservation code at https://cmrus.formstack.com/forms/assa2020_suitemeetingrequest.
To register on September 19th, go to https://conf.aeaweb.org. A registration ID is required in order to access the housing site and reserve a standard room.
Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego is the LERA headquarters hotel.
San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina and the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego are the two ASSA co-headquarters hotels.
Convention Management Resources (CMR) is the housing company for the 2020 meetings. Please note:
- You may be placed in a brief queue when linking to the housing site. When it is your turn, you will be redirected automatically.
- "Waitlisting" may be used to request unavailable room nights. In most cases we are able to secure the additional nights to meet your needs. If you encounter the "Waitlist Info" button during the hotel selection and reservation process, please refer to the step-by-step instructions below.
Waitlist Instructions (Making a request for unavailable nights):
- If the desired dates are not available at your preferred hotel, a "Waitlist Info" button will display next to the hotel listing. Select the "Show Availability" link to identify which dates are available and complete the reservation for the available dates.
- Once the reservation is complete, at bottom of page, choose "Change Reservation."
- Change the dates to your desired arrival and departure dates. (Do not click "Continue." The button will change to "Waitlist" after you change your dates.)
- Select the "Waitlist" button that now appears next to your reserved hotel. (Note: your original dates will remain secured.)
- Your preferred hotel will already be selected in the dropdown. You may select two alternate hotels, but it is not necessary. Select "Submit."
- You will receive a waitlist acknowledgement by email.
- After the ASSA contacts the hotel, they will send you an email communicating whether or not the additional nights were secured for you.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to be certain to stay at the LERA hotel, then you will need to register and obtain your hotel room reservation on the very first day they open their registration in September. The hotel rooms sell out quickly at the best hotels, since 13,000 people will be reserving their rooms. LERA will send an email to our entire membership when they open registration to remind you.
3. Review program and get more information - You can find information about the LERA sessions online (here).
Thank you to our 2020 LERA@ASSA sponsors!
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Labor and Employment Relations
- Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Economic Policy Institute
- Florida International University, College of Business
- MIT Institute for Work and Employment Relations
- New School for Social Research
- Pennsylvania State University, School of Labor and Employment Relations
- University of California-Berkeley, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
- Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations
- W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Event Summary - (To be announced)
LERA@ASSA 2020 Meeting Program Committee (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)
Till Von Wachter, Co-chair, UCLA; Aaron Sojourner, co-chair, University of Minnesota; Dale Belman, Michigan State University; John Schmitt, Economic Policy Institute; Erica Groshen, Cornell University; Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota; Paola Giuliano, UCLA Anderson School of Management; Claudia Olivetti, Boston College; Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; Eliza Forsythe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Samuel Myers, University of Minnesota; Takao Kato, Colgate University; William Spriggs, Howard University; and Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute (ex officio)
Participant Information - Important!
You will find detailed information here on what you need to do prior, during, and after the conference to participate as a chair, presenter, or discussant on the meeting program. Please visit this page, download and print the information you need.
(If the program below does not appear, please open a new window and copy and paste this URL...http://leraoffice.org/drupalinclude/program_assa2020.html.)
MPD, Independence Ballroom I