Links to Committees:
Development | Diversity and Inclusion | Editorial | Editorial Advisory Board | Membership | IC/IS Coordinating | Industry Councils | Interest Sections
| National Chapter Advisory Council | Nominating Committee | Program, Annual Meeting | Program, LERA@ASSA Meeting | Review | Best Dissertation Award | Best International Paper Award | LERA Awards

For all the volunteers who continue to move this organization ahead, we thank you! LERA membership is a requirement to sit on a LERA committee. Committee chairs are appointed by the president as needed, and committee chairs appoint their respective committee members as needed. If you are interested in serving in volunteering to serve on a committee, you may inquire with respective committee chairs. Committee appointments last for three years.

Standing Committees

Development Committee

  • Harry Katz, Cornell University, Co-Chair (2024)
  • Jim Pruitt, Kaiser Permanente, Co-Chair (2024)
  • Peter Berg, Michigan State University (2027)
  • Bill Dirksen, Ford Motor Co. (ret.) (2025)
  • Jennifer Harmer, University of Toronto (student) (2025)
  • Mike Lillich, Clearly Expressed (2025)
  • Shankar Viswanathan, Kaiser Permanente (2027)

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

  • Lionel Sims, Jr., Kaiser Permanente, Chair (2026)
  • Asha Alt, DC Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (2027) 
  • Sarah Cudahy, FMCS (2026)
  • Dennis L. Dabney, Kaiser Permanente (2024)
  • Adrienne Eaton, Rutgers University (2026)
  • Rebecca Givan, Rutgers University (2026)
  • Frank Mullins, University of Alabama in Huntsville (2026)
  • Kevin Stokes, DC Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (2027)

Editorial Committee

  • Ryan Lamare, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Editor-in-Chief (2024)
  • Daniel Cornfield, Vanderbilt University (2026)
  • Jack Fiorito, Florida St University (2026)
  • Daniel Gilbert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2026)
  • Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (2026)
  • Jim Lance, Cornell University Press (2027)
  • Mike Lillich, LERA (2026)
  • Xiangmin (Helen) Liu, Penn State University (2026)
  • Stephen Sleigh, Sleigh Strategy, LLC (2026)
  • Howard Stanger, Canisius University, (2027)
  • Phela Townsend, Rutgers University, student (2024)

Editorial Advisory Board

  • J. Ryan Lamare, Editor-in-Chief, LERA, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Bonnie Prouty Castrey, Dispute Resolution Services, NCAC Neutral Representative
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and Human Resources, LLC, NCAC Management Representative
  • Alexander Colvin, Cornell University, Academic Representative
  • Brad Markell, AFL-CIO, Labor Representative
  • Janice R. Bellace, University of Pennsylvania, International Section Representative
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University, Labor Markets and Economics Section Representative
  • Robert Bruno, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Labor Studies and Union Research Section Representative
  • Ann Hodges, University of Richmond, Dispute Resolution, Labor and Employment Law Section Representative
  • Tashlin Lakhani, Ohio State University, Work and Human Resources Network Representative
  • Howard Stanger, Canisius College, Collective Bargaining Interest Section Representative

Membership Committee

  • David Lewin, UCLA (ret.) Co-Chair (2025)
  • Tazewell Hurst III, IAMAW, Co-Chair (2024)
  • Ana Avendano, Minga Strategies (2025)
  • Jack Fiorito, Florida State University (2026)
  • Lu-Ann Glaser, American Water (2024)
  • Mark Gough, Pennsylvania State University (2024)
  • Brad Markell, AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council (2024)
  • Javier Ramirez, FMCS (2026)

Industry Councils and Interest Sections Coordinating Chair

  • Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Brandeis University (2017), Chair


Airlines, Railroads, and Trucking (Transportation Services)
  • Andrew von Nordenflycht, Simon Fraser
Automobiles and Aerospace (Manufacturing)
  • Morris Kleiner, University of Minnesota
  • Kevin Legel, Ford Motor Company
  • Dale Belman
Education, Higher
  • Judith Stilz Ogden, Clayton State University
  • Bill Herbert, Hunter College
  • Tobias Schulze-Cleven, Rutgers University
Education, K-12
  • John McCarthy, Cornell University
  • Saul Rubinstein, Rutgers University
  • Joe Wilson, FMCS

Energy and Utilities

  • interested?

Health care

  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University
  • Ariel Avgar, Cornell University
  • Sidney Seligman, Rutgers University


  • Christine Riordan, UIUC
  • Hye Jin Rho, MSU
  • Sa'Mecha Echols, FMCS

Public Sector

  • Janet Gillman, Oregon ERB
  • Patrice Mareschal, Rutgers University
  • Deb Mueller, CSEA

Social Impact (NGO's, Foundations, Unions)

  • Barbara Lichtman, FMCS
  • Christy Yoshitomi, FMCS
Sports and Entertainment
  • Susan Schurman, Rutgers University
  • Michael LeRoy, UIUC
  • Mark Pearce, Georgetown Law
  • Kevin Hawkins, FMCS


Collective Bargaining Network
  • Marty Callaghan, FMCS
  • Gemma Lopresti, FMCS
Dispute Resolution
  • Mark Gough, Penn State University
  • Bradley Weinberg, Queen's University
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and HR LLC
  • Ligia Velazquez, FMCS
International Interest Section
  • Janice R. Bellace, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  • Greg J. Bamber, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Labor Markets and Economics
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University
  • Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University
  • Stephen Woodbury, Michigan State University
Labor Studies and Union Research
  • Robert Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Labor Education Program
  • Paul Clark, Penn State University
Work and Human Resources
  • Alex Colvin, Cornell University 

National Chapter Advisory Council

  • William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University, Chair (2024)
  • Bonnie Castrey, Dispute Resolution Services, Vice Chair (2025)
  • Matt Capece, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (2027)
  • Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator (2024)
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and Human Resources, Mid Regional Vice President (2025)
  • Janet Gillman, Oregon Employee Relations Board, incoming West RVP (2027)
  • Beverly Harrison, Arbitrator/Mediator, East Regional Vice President (2026)
  • Stacy Hickox, Michigan State University (2024)
  • Philip LaPorte, Georgia State University (2024)
  • Marick Masters, Wayne State University, (2025)
  • Rebekah Smith, Arbitrator/Mediator (2026)
  • Jim Pruitt, Kaiser Permanente, West Regional Vice President (2024)
  • Ami Silverman, NLRB (2026)
  • Erica Tener, Arbitrator/Mediator (2024)
  • Jeff Wheeler, Georgetown University (2025)

Nominating Committee 2024

  • John Budd, University of Minnesota, Chair
  • Meeta Bass, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Rose Batt, Cornell University
  • Peter Berg, Michigan State University
  • Bonnie Castrey, Dispute Resolution Services
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and HR LLC
  • Deanna Dudley, El Camino Health
  • Eileen Hoffman, FMCS
  • Hal Ruddick, Alliance of Healthcare Unions
  • Tingting Zhang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Nominating Committee 2023

  • Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Chair
  • Ayana Allen, Ford Motor Company
  • Mark Anner, Pennsylvania State University
  • Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator (inv.)
  • Dennis Dabney, Dabney Law LLC
  • Erin Johansson, Jobs With Justice
  • Helen Liu, Rutgers University
  • Javier Ramirez, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
  • Janet Wilder, SHARE/AFSCME (inv.)

Nominating Committee 2022

  • Steve Sleigh, Sleigh Strategies, LLC, Chair
  • Beverly Brakeman, UAW
  • Janine Braxton, Martenson, Hasbrouck & Simon LLP
  • Lu-Ann Glaser, American Water
  • Adam Seth Litwin, Cornell University
  • Javier Ramirez, FMCS
  • Brishen Rogers, Georgetown Law
  • Kris Rondeau, AFSCME

Nominating Committee 2021

  • Rosemary Batt, Cornell University, Chair
  • Peter Berg, Michigan State University
  • Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Alex Colvin, Cornell University
  • Deanna Dudley, Kaiser Permanente
  • Janet Gillman, Oregon Employment Relations Board
  • Quenton Herbert, City of Baltimore
  • Ruben Ingram, School Employers Association of California
  • Christine Riordan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Sue Schurman, Rutgers University
  • Janet Wilder, SHARE/AFSCME

Nominating Committee 2020

  • Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Brandeis University, Chair
  • Meeta Bass, Bass Resolution Services
  • Matt Bodah, University of Rhode Island
  • Mickey Brock, Dupont (ret.)
  • Mark Cousens, Cousens Law
  • Jonathon Donehower, Kaiser Permanente
  • Kate Griffith, Cornell University
  • Renée Mayne, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Andrea Pelous, SEIU, Local 1021
  • Wilton Williamson, RULERA VP

Nominating Committee 2019

  • Virginia Doellgast, Cornell University, Chair
  • Charles Cookson, First Energy
  • Rebecca Givan, Rutgers University
  • Tazewell Hurst, IAMAW
  • Bonnie Castrey, Dispute Resolution Services
  • Bob Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and HR, LLC
  • Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Charles Jeszeck, U.S. GAO
  • Gary Huckaby, Huckaby Consulting Group
  • Sheri Davis Faulkner, Center for Innovation in Worker Organization
  • Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota
  • Kaitlin Leyble, Rutgers University

Nominating Committee 2018

  • Jeff Wheeler, US DOL, Chair
  • Ana Avendano, United Way
  • Ezio Borchini, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Bill Frederick, Alabama Power Company
  • Nancy Peace, Workplace Solutions
  • John Torpey, Raytheon Corporation
  • Tom Kochan, MIT
  • Marcia Greenbaum, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Christine Rupnow, Pennsylvania State Education Association
  • Danielle Carne, Carne Dispute Resolution

Nominating Committee 2017

  • John Budd, University of Minnesota, Chair
  • Dennis Dabney, Kaiser Permanente
  • Bill Dirksen, Ford Motor Co.
  • Virginia Doellgast, Cornell University
  • Marcia Greenbaum, Workplace Solutions
  • Chip Hunter, Washington State University
  • Taz Hurst, IAMAW
  • Jimmy Settles, UAW
  • Jeff Wheeler, US DOL

Nominating Committee 2016

  • Steve Sleigh, Sleigh Strategy LLC, Chair
  • Dennis Dabney, Kaiser Permanente
  • Sergio Delgado, FMCS (Ret.)
  • William Dwyer, Rutgers University
  • Sheila Mayberry, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Jodi Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University
  • Tazewell Hurst, IAMAW
  • Bonnie Prouty Castrey, LERA Past President (ex officio)

Nominating Committee 2015

  • David Lewin, UCLA, Chair (2016)
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University
  • Rose Batt, Cornell University
  • Cyndi Furseth, Portland General Electric
  • Beverly Harrison, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Daniel Marschall, AFL-CIO and George Washington University

Program Committee - LERA 77th Annual Meeting (2025)

Program Chair: John Budd, University of Minnesota
Vice Chair, Practitioner: Beth Schindler, FMCS (1-yr. appt.)
Vice Chair, Academic: Erin Kelly, MIT (1-yr. appt.)


Candace Archer, AFL-CIO
Holland Atkinson, Hennepin County
Kate Bahn, Institute for Women's Policy Research
William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University (ret.), ex officio
Matthew Capece, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Rassandra Cody, Kaiser Permanente
Dennis Dabney, Dabney Law LLC, ex officio
Rebecca Dixon, National Employment Law Project
Jack Fiorito, Florida State University
Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College
Tazewell Hurst, IAMAW
Ryan Lamare, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, ex officio
Enrique Lopezlira, University of California, Berkeley
David Madland, Center for American Progress
Mark Pearce, Georgetown Law Center
Hye Jin Rho, Michigan State University
Lionel Sims, Kaiser Permanente
Andrew Weaver, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ex officio
Christy Yoshitomi, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service

Program Committee - LERA 76th Annual Meeting (2024)

Program Co-Chair: LERA: Jim Pruitt, Kaiser Permanente
Program Co-Chair: ILERA: Harry Katz, Cornell University
Program Co-Chair: FMCS: Javier Ramirez, FMCS
Vice Chair, Practitioner: Hal Ruddick, Alliance of Healthcare Unions (2024)
Vice Chair, Academic: Hye Jin Rho, Michigan State University (2024)
Vice Chair, Regional: William Herbert, CUNY (2024)

• Candace Archer, AFL-CIO, representing the labor perspective, 2026
• Amanda Ballantyne, Technology Institute, AFL-CIO, representing the labor perspective, 2024
• Marc Bayard, Institute for Policy Studies, representing the neutral perspective, 2024
• Elaine Buckberg, General Motors, representing the neutral perspective, 2025
• Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator, representing the neutral perspective, 2024
• Dennis Dabney, Dabney Law LLC, representing the management perspective, 2026
• Rebecca Dixon, NELP, representing the neutral perspective, 2025
• Mark Gaston Pearce, Georgetown University, representing the academic perspective, 2025
• Lu Ann Glaser, American Water Co., representing the management perspective, 2024
• Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College, representing the academic perspective, 2025
• Tamara Lee, Rutgers University, representing the academic perspective, 2024
• Enrique Lopezlira, University of California-Berkeley Labor Center, representing the academic perspective, 2025
• Dana Peterson, The Conference Board, representing the management perspective, 2024
• Beth Schindler, FMCS, representing the neutral perspective, 2026
• Lionel Sims, Kaiser Permanente, representing the management perspective, 2026
• Jason Tomlison, Jobs with Justice, representing the labor perspective, 2024
• Michael Wasser, AFL-CIO Dept. of Professional Employees, representing the labor perspective, 2024

FMCS Team: Javier Ramirez, FMCS, Program Co-Chair; Sarah Cudahy, FMCS; Heather Brown, FMCS; Christy Yoshitomi, FMCS

ILERA Team: Harry Katz, Cornell University, Program Co-Chair; Oscar Molina Romo, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Valeria Puglignano, KU Leuven

Regional Team: William Herbert, CUNY, Regional Chair; Ruth Milkman and Penny Lewis, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies; Sam Estreicher, NYU Law School; Allison Schifini, ED of NYU Labor and Employment Law Center; Joshua Freeman (retired), historian and editor of book on NYC labor history; and Alyssa Zuckerman, LI LERA

Ex officio: Dennis Dabney, LERA President; Ryan Lamare, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Editor-in-Chief; Andrew Weaver, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Secretary/Treasurer; Hye Jin Rho, MSU, Chair of the LERA Poster Session; William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University, NCAC Chair; Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA Executive Director (non-voting)

Program Committee - LERA 75th Annual Meeting (2023)

  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO/Howard University, President-Elect and Program Committee Chair
  • Andria Smythe, Howard University, Academic Vice Chair
  • Sandra Polaski, Global Policy Center, Boston University, Practitioner Vice Chair
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and HR LLC, Regional Vice Chair
  • Ariel Avgar, Cornell University
  • Amanda Ballantyne, Technology Institute, AFL-CIO
  • Mark Bayard, Institute for Policy Studies
  • Elaine Buckberg, General Motors
  • Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Rebecca Dixon, NELP
  • Juan Felipe, Howard University
  • Mark Gaston Pearce, Georgetown University
  • Lu Ann Glaser, American Water Co.
  • Beverly Harrison, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College
  • Tamara Lee, Rutgers University
  • Enrique Lopezlira, University of California-Berkeley Labor Center
  • Dana Peterson, The Conference Board
  • Dionne Pohler, University of Saskatchewan (mini-symposium on Canadian Labor Issues)
  • Jason Tomlison, Jobs with Justice
  • Michael Wasser, AFL-CIO, Dept. of Professional Employees
  • Nathan Wilmers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ex officio: Paul Clark, President
  • Ex officio: Ryan Lamare, Editor-in-Chief
  • Ex officio: William Canak, NCAC Chair
  • Ex officio: Hye Jin Rho, Poster Session Chair
  • Ex officio: Andrew Weaver, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA (non-voting)

Program Committee - LERA 74th Annual Meeting (2022)

  • Paul Clark, Pennsylvania State University, President-Elect and Program Committee Chair
  • John Budd, University of Minnesota, Academic Vice Chair
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO/Howard University, Practitioner Vice Chair
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and HR LLC, Region Vice Chair
  • Ariel Avgar, Cornell University
  • Greg Bamber, Monash University
  • Ben Begleiter, UNITE HERE
  • Lisa Charles, Arbitrator/Mediator (inv.)
  • Nicholas Enoch, Lubin & Enoch
  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University, Heller School of Policy
  • Lu Ann Glaser, American Water Co.
  • Steven Greenhouse, Author and former New York Times reporter
  • Jennifer Harmer, University of Toronto
  • Beverly Harrison, Arbitrator/Mediator (inv.)
  • Elaine Hui, Pennsylvania State University
  • Tamara Lee, Rutgers University (inv.)
  • Maite Tapia, Michigan State University
  • Richard (Rick) Warters, United Technologies Corp. (ret.)
  • Michael Wasser, AFL-CIO Dept. of Professional Employees (inv.)
  • David Weil, Brandeis University, Heller School of Policy (inv.)
  • Nathan Wilmers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ex officio: Wilma Liebman, President
  • Ex officio: Ryan Lamare, Editor-in-Chief
  • Ex officio: William Canak, NCAC Chair
  • Ex officio: Hye Jin Rho, Poster Session Chair
  • Ex officio: Andrew Weaver, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA (non-voting)

Program Committee - LERA 73rd Annual Meeting (2021)

  • Wilma Liebman, former Chair, NRLB, Committee Chair
  • Lynn Rhinehart, Economic Policy Institute
  • Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota
  • Robert Chiaravalli, Strategic Labor and HR LLC
  • Ben Begleiter, UNITE HERE
  • Ezio Borchini, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Michael Brown, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia
  • Bill Dirksen, Ford Motor Co.
  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University, Heller School of Policy
  • Steven Greenhouse, Author and former New York Times reporter
  • Valerie Harragin, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
  • Bill Lavezzi, Ohio Education Association
  • Adam Litwin, Cornell University
  • Weihao Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (student)
  • Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University
  • Sarah Mason, UC Santa Cruz (Student)
  • Marick Masters, Wayne State University
  • Maite Tapia, Michigan State University
  • Allynn Umel, SEIU Fight for 15
  • Richard (Rick) Warters, United Technologies Corp. (ret.)
  • Marc Winters, Arbitrator
  • Alan Wild, HR Policy Association
  • Ex officio: Dennis L. Dabney, LERA President
  • Ex officio: Ryan Lamare, University of Illinois, LERA Editor-in-Chief
  • Ex officio: Andrew Weaver, University of Illinois, LERA Secretary/Treasurer
  • Ex officio: Hye Jin Rho, Chair, LERA Poster Session
  • Ex officio: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State Univ., NCAC Chair               
  • Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA Executive Director (non-voting)

Program Committee - LERA 72nd Annual Meeting (2020)

  • Adrienne Eaton, LERA President-Elect & Program Committee Chair
  • Bonnie Summers, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Practitioner Vice Chair
  • Ann Frost, Ivey Business School, Academic Vice Chair
  • Cyndi Furseth, PGN (ret.), Regional Vice Chair
  • Ezio Borchini, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Michael Brown, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia
  • Alex Colvin, Cornell University, ILR School
  • Charles Cookson, First Energy Corporation
  • Bill Dirksen, Ford Motor Co.
  • Thomas Dungy, DTE Energy
  • Valerie Harragin, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
  • Maite Tapia, Michigan State University
  • Duanyi Yang, MIT
  • Bill Lavezzi, Ohio Education Association
  • Adam Litwin, Cornell University
  • Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University
  • Marick Masters, Wayne State University, School of Business
  • Leo McCann, American Train Dispatchers Association
  • David Turner, First Energy Service Corporation
  • Mark Winters, SW PA LERA Chapter and Arbitrator

Technology Support Group for the LERA 72nd VIRTUAL Annual Meeting

  • Maite Tapia, Michigan State University (Group Leader)
  • Antone Aboud, Penn State University
  • Paul F. Clark, Penn State University
  • Tom Kochan, MIT
  • Susan J. Schurman, Rutgers University
  • Jonathan K. Uto, Kaiser Permanente

Program Committee - LERA 71st Annual Meeting (2019)

  • Harry Katz, LERA Past President and Program Co-Chair
  • Dennis Dabney, LERA President Elect and Program Co-Chair
  • Jeff Wheeler, Practitioner Vice Chair
  • Danielle van Jaarsveld, Academic Vice Chair
  • Dennis Minni, as the Regional Vice Chair
  • Ezio Borchini, Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Michael Brown, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia
  • Alex Colvin, Cornell University, ILR School
  • Charles Cookson, First Energy Corporation
  • Bill Dirksen, Ford Motor Co.
  • Thomas Dungy, DTE Energy
  • Valerie Harragin, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
  • Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University
  • Duanyi Yang, MIT
  • Adam Litwin, Cornell University
  • Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University
  • Marick Masters, Wayne State University, School of Business
  • Leo McCann, American Train Dispatchers Association
  • David Turner, First Energy Service Corporation
  • Mark Winters, SW PA LERA Chapter and Arbitrator

Program Committee - LERA 70th Annual Meeting (2018)

  • Harry Katz, LERA President and Program Committee Co-Chair
  • Kris Rondeau, LERA President Elect and Program Committee Co-Chair
  • Jeff Wheeler, Practitioner Co-Vice Chair, (through 2018 meeting)
  • Danielle van Jaarsveld, Academic Co-Vice Chair (through 2018 meeting)
  • Ezio Borchini, Arrangements Co-Vice Chair (through 2018 meeting)
  • John Amman, IATSE Local 600, Labor
  • Allison Beck, FMCS, Neutral (2019)
  • Alex Colvin, Cornell University, Academic (2019)
  • Bill Dirksen, Ford Motor Company, Management
  • Jon Donehower, Kaiser Permanente, Management (2018)
  • Cyndi Furseth, Portland Gas & Electric, Management (2019)
  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University, Academic (2018)
  • Sally Klingel, Cornell University, Neutral
  • Nick Krachler, Cornell University, PhD Student (2018)
  • Lynda Lee, FMCS, Neutral (2018)
  • Leo McCann, American Train Dispatchers Association, Union (2020)
  • Christine Newhall, AAA, Neutral (2020)
  • Arthur Pearlstein, FMCS, Neutral (2020)
  • Local Planning Team: Local Chapters, Represented by: Ezio Borchini
  • Ex officio: Janice Bellace, LERA Past President
  • Ex officio: Ariel Avgar, Cornell University, LERA Editor-in-Chief
  • Ex officio: Craig Olson, University of Illinois, LERA Secretary/Treasurer
  • Ex officio: Ryan LaMare, University of Illinois, Chair, LERA Poster Session
  • Ex officio: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State Univ, NCAC Chair               
  • Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA Executive Director (non-voting)

Program Committee - LERA 69th Annual Meeting (2017)

  • Janice Bellace, LERA President and Program Chair
  • Paul Clark, Academic Co-Chair
  • Stephen Sleigh, Practitioner Co-Chair
  • Marlene Heyser, Arrangements Co-Chair
  • Allison Beck, FMCS, Neutral (2019)
  • Earl Brown, Solidarity Center, Labor (2018)
  • Monica Bielski Boris, University of Minnesota Labor Program, Labor (2017)
  • Alex Colvin, Cornell University, Academic (2019)
  • Jon Donehower, Kaiser Permanente, Management (2018)
  • Cyndi Furseth, Portland General Electric, Management (2019)
  • Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University, Academic (2018)
  • Nick Krachler, Cornell University, PhD Student (2018)
  • Lynda Lee, FMCS, Neutral (2018)
  • Jim Pruitt, Kaiser Permanente, Management (2017)
  • Ami Silverman, NLRB, representing local chapters (2017)
  • Charles Whalen, Congressional Budget Office, Neutral (2017)
  • Ex-officio: Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator/Mediator, LERA Past President
  • Ex-officio: Ariel Avgar, Cornell University, LERA Editor-in-Chief
  • Ex-officio: Craig Olson, Univ of Illinois, LERA Secretary/Treasurer
  • Ex-officio: Ryan LaMare, University of Illinois, Chair, LERA Poster Session
  • Ex-officio: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State Univ, NCAC Chair
  • Ex-officio: Harry Katz, Cornell University, LERA President Elect

Program Committee - LERA 68th Annual Meeting

  • Castrey, Bonnie Prouty-Dispute Resolution Services, President and Program Committee Chair (2016)
  • Avgar, Ariel-University of Illinois-Champaign
  • Bain, Trevor-University of Alabama
  • Batt, Rose-Cornell University
  • Beck, Allison-FMCS
  • Bellace, Janice-Wharton School of Business
  • Bialke, James-SEIU Healthcare Minnesota
  • Budd, John-University of Minnesota
  • Canak, William-Middle Tennessee State University
  • Chang, Lou-Dispute Prevention and Resolution
  • Colvin, Alex-Cornell University
  • Craviso, Ralph-Craviso & Associates
  • Donehower, Jonathan-Kaiser Permanente
  • Fine, Janice-Rutgers University, Academic Co-Chair
  • Flax, Josh-FMCS
  • Furseth, Cyndi-Portland General Electric
  • Geist, Eric-AFL-CIO
  • Greenbaum, Marcia-Arbitrator/Mediator
  • Harstad, Lane-FMCS, Director of Mediation Services
  • Heyser, Marlene-Workplace Law Strategies
  • Husted, Joan-Hawaii IRRA
  • Ingram, Ruben-School Employers Association of California
  • Johnson, Honore-Cornell University
  • Kaufman, Bruce-Georgia State University
  • Kleiner, Morris-University of Minnesota
  • Lewin, David-UCLA
  • Litwin, Adam Seth-Cornell University
  • May, Ken-Bloomberg BNA
  • Mitchell, Daniel J.B.-UCLA, Public Policy Co-Chair
  • Mooshegian, Eric-International Union of Operating Engineers
  • Najita, Joyce-University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • O'Brien, F. Donal-Arrangements
  • Peace, Nancy-Workplace Solutions, Practitioner Co-Chair
  • Pruitt, Jim-Kaiser Permanente

Program Committee - LERA 67th Annual Meeting

  • Martin Mulloy, President/Program Chair (2015)
  • Paul Clark, Pennsylvania State University
  • Jonathan Donehower, Kaiser Permanente
  • Lisa Ewing, United Auto Workers
  • Fred Foulkes, Boston University
  • Cyndi Furseth, Portland General Electric
  • Marlene Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies
  • Eileen Hoffman, FMCS
  • Larry “Chip” Hunter, University of Wisconsin
  • Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University
  • Lisa Lynch, Brandeis University
  • Revea Moran, US GAO-retired
  • Chris Tilly, UCLA
  • Michael Wasser, Jobs With Justice
  • Marc Winters, Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
  • Ariel Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (LERA Poster Session Chair)

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2025 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Elena Falcettoni, Federal Reserve Board, Co-Chair (2025)
  • Illenin Kondo, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Co-Chair (2026)
  • Kate Bahn, Institute for Women's Policy Research (2027)
  • Nick Bunker, Indeed Hiring Lab (2025)
  • Kirsten Cornelson, University of Notre Dame (2025)
  • Robynn Joyce Afi Cox, University of Southern California (2025)
  • Samuel Dodini, Norwegian School of Economics (2027)
  • Paola Giuliano, UCLA (2025)
  • Enrique Lopezlira, University of California, Berkeley (2027)
  • Colleen Flaherty Manchester, University of Minnesota (2025)
  • Conrad Miller, Berkeley (2025)
  • Peter Norlander, Loyola University Chicago (2025)
  • Stephanie Rennane, Rand (2025)
  • Pascual Restrepo Mesa, Boston University (2025)
  • Danielle Sandler, U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (2025)
  • Brian Sloboda, U.S. Department of Labor/SIU (2025)
  • Russell Weinstein, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2025)
  • Tingting Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2025)

Ex Officio: Brad Hershbein, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2024 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Brad Hershbein, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Co-Chair (2024)
  • Elena Falcettoni, Federal Reserve Board, Co-Chair (2025)
  • Nick Bunker, Indeed Hiring Lab (2025)
  • Kirsten Cornelson, University of Notre Dame (2025)
  • Robynn Joyce Afi Cox, University of Southern California (2025)
  • Paola Giuliano, UCLA (2025)
  • Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota (2025)
  • Conrad Miller, Berkeley (2025)
  • Peter Norlander, Loyola University Chicago (2025)
  • Stephanie Rennane, Rand (2025)
  • Pascual Restrepo Mesa, Boston University (2025)
  • Danielle Sandler, U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (2025)
  • Brian Sloboda, U.S. Department of Labor/SIU (2025)
  • Russell Weinstein, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2025)
  • Tingting Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2025)

Ex Officio: Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2023 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Co-Chair (2023)
  • Brad Hershbein, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Co-Chair (2024)
  • Nick Bunker, Indeed Hiring Lab (2025)
  • Kirsten Cornelson, University of Notre Dame (2025)
  • Robynn Joyce Afi Cox, University of Southern California (2025)
  • Elena Falcettoni, Federal Reserve Board (2025)
  • Paola Giuliano, UCLA (2025)
  • Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota (2025)
  • Conrad Miller, Berkeley (2025)
  • Peter Norlander, Loyola University Chicago (2025)
  • Stephanie Rennane, Rand (2025)
  • Pascual Restrepo Mesa, Boston University (2025)
  • Danielle Sandler, U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (2025)
  • Brian Sloboda, U.S. Department of Labor/SIU (2025)
  • Russell Weinstein, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2025)
  • Tingting Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2025)
Ex Officio: William Rodgers III, Rutgers University

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2022 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • William Rodgers III, Rutgers University, Co-Chair (2022)
  • Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2023)
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University (2022)
  • Paola Giuliano, UCLA Anderson School of Management (2022)
  • Erica Groshen, Cornell University (2022)
  • Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota (2022)
  • Claudia Olivetti, Boston College (2022)
  • John Schmitt, Economic Policy Institute (2022)
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University (2022)
  • Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2022)
  • Ex Officio: Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota, Co-Chair (2021)
Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2021 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)
  • Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota, Co-Chair (2021)
  • William Rodgers III, Rutgers University, Co-Chair (2022)
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University (2022)
  • Eliza Forsythe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2021)
  • Paola Giuliano, UCLA Anderson School of Management (2022)
  • Erica Groshen, Cornell University (2022)
  • Takao Kato, Colgate University (2021)
  • Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota (2022)
  • Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota (2021)
  • Claudia Olivetti, Boston College (2022)
  • John Schmitt, Economic Policy Institute (2022)
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University (2022)
  • Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2022)
  • Ex Officio: Till Von Wachter, University of California-Los Angeles

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2020 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Till Von Wachter, University of California-Los Angele, Co-Chair (2020)
  • Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota, Co-Chair (2021)
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University (2022)
  • Eliza Forsythe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2021)
  • Paola Giuliano, UCLA Anderson School of Management (2022)
  • Erica Groshen, Cornell University (2022)
  • Takao Kato, Colgate University (2021)
  • Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota (2022)
  • Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota (2021)
  • Claudia Olivetti, Boston College (2022)
  • John Schmitt, Economic Policy Institute (2022)
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University (2022)
  • Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2022)
  • Ex Officio: Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute, Co-Chair

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2019 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Susan Houseman, Co-Chair, W.E. Upjohn Institute
  • Till Von Wachter, Co-chair, UCLA
  • Barry T. Hirsch, Georgia State University
  • Eliza Forseythe, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Takao Kato, Colgate University
  • Alex Mas, Princeton University
  • Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota
  • Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University
  • Jeannette Wicks-Lim, University of Massachusetts (ex officio)

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2018 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Jeannette Wicks-Lim, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Co-Chair (2017)
  • Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute, Co-Chair (2018)
  • Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland
  • Sylvia Allegretto, University of California, Berkeley
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University
  • Eliza Forsythe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2021)
  • Teresa Ghilarducci, The New School for Social Research
  • Barry T. Hirsch, Georgia State University
  • Alex Mas, Princeton University
  • Larry Mishel, Economic Policy Institute
  • Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota
  • Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University
  • Till Von Wachter, University of California-Los Angeles
  • Ex Officio: Jeannette Wicks-Lim, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2017 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Sanford Jacoby, University of California-Los Angeles, Co-Chair (2017)
  • Jeannette Wicks-Lim, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Co-Chair (2017)
  • Susan Houseman, Upjohn Institute, Co-Chair (2018)
  • Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland
  • Sylvia Allegretto, University of California, Berkeley
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University
  • Teresa Ghilarducci, The New School for Social Research
  • Barry T. Hirsch, Georgia State University
  • Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute
  • Larry Mishel, Economic Policy Institute
  • Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota
  • Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley
  • William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University
  • Ex Officio: Elaine McCrate, University of Vermont

Program Committee - LERA@ASSA 2016 Meeting (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)

  • Sanford Jacoby, University of California-Los Angeles, Co-Chair
  • Elaine McCrate, University of Vermont, Co-Chair
  • Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland
  • Sylvia Allegretto, University of California, Berkeley
  • Dale Belman, Michigan State University
  • Teresa Ghilarducci, The New School for Social Research
  • Alex Mas, Princeton University
  • Larry Mishel, Economic Policy Institute
  • Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley
  • Till Von Wachter, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Jeannette Wicks-Lim, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
  • Ex Officio: William Rodgers III, Rutgers University

Review Committee

  • Kate Griffith, Cornell University (2023)
  • Carla Katz, Rutgers University (2023)
  • Paul Whitehead, Pennsylvania State University (2023)

Strategic Thinking Committee (ad hoc, expired)

  • Ralph Craviso, Consultant, Chair through Jan. 2015
  • David Lewin, UCLA, Chair beginning Jan. 2015
  • Bonnie Castrey, Dispute Resolution Services
  • Bill Canak, MTSU,coordinating with the NCAC
  • Janice Fine, Rutgers University
  • Owen Herrnstadt, IAMAW
  • Marlene Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies
  • Eric Mooshegian, IUOE Local 148
  • Marty Mulloy, Ford Motor Co.

Implementation Committee (ad hoc, expired)

Awards Committees

Thomas A. Kochan and Stephen R. Sleigh Best Dissertation Award Committee

  • Dionne Pohler, University of Saskatchewan (2025)
  • Peter Norlander, Loyola University Chicago (2026)
  • Lorenzo Frangi, Université du Québec à Montréal (2025)

James G. Scoville Best International Paper Award Committee

  • Ian Greer, Cornell University (2023), Chair
  • Maite Tapia, Michigan State University (2022)
  • Santanu Sarkar, XLRI Jamshedpur (2022)
  • Chris Wright, University of Sydney (2022)
  • Valeria Pulignano, University of Leuven (2019)
  • John Budd, University of Minnesota (2018)
  • Sarosh Kuruvilla, Cornell University (2016)
  • Mark Stuart, University of Leeds (2016), Ex officio

 LERA Awards Committee

  • Janice Bellace, University of Pennsylvania (2024) Co-Chair
  • Rosemary Batt, Cornell University (2024) Co-Chair
  • Lori Altadonna, (2027)
  • Robert Bruno, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2024)
  • Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Brandeis University (2024)
  • Dennis Dabney, Dabney Law LLC (2024)
  • William Dirksen, Ford Motor Co. (2024)
  • Merrilee Logue, BCBS National Labor Office (2027)
  • Daniel Marschall, AFL-CIO Working for America Institute (2024)
  • Chris Tilly, UCLA (2024)
  • Christi Yoshitomi, FMCS (2025)

LERA Susan C. Eaton Grant Awards Committee

  • Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Chair
  • Dennis Rocheleau, General Electric
  • Stephen R. Sleigh, Sleigh Strategy LLC

LERA Media Award Committee

  • William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Bonnie Castrey, Dispute Resolution Services
  • David Lewin, UCLA
  • Dennis Dabney, Kaiser Permanente (current President, ex officio)