What Is LERA? The Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) is the singular organization in the country where professionals interested in all aspects of labor and employment relations network to share ideas and learn about new developments, issues, and practices in the field. Founded in 1947 as the Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA), the national LERA provides a unique forum where the views of representatives of labor, management, government and academics, advocates, and neutrals are welcome.
Today, LERA constituencies include professionals in the areas of academic research and education, compensation and benefits, human resources, labor and employment law, labor and management resources, labor markets and economics, public policy, training and development, and union administration and organizing.
Membership includes subscriptions to a number of publications, advance information and discounts on meetings, and many other opportunities to meet the leaders in our field and share ideas through participating in our Industry Councils and Interest Sections. Join our professional community and become part of the dialog to shape the workplace of the future.
Industry Councils Industry Councils represent a bold new initiative for the LERA, building on a long tradition of industry-focused analysis and publications by the association. A network of tri-partite industry councils is organizing, with efforts already under way in the aerospace, airline, automotive, construction, health care, public sector, steel, utilities and other industries. LERA members can join up to two Industry Councils.
Interest Sections Members can join up to two Interest Sections. These sections meet annually and include collective bargaining, dispute resolution, international, labor and employment law, labor markets/economics, labor unions/labor studies, NAFTA/regional integration, and work and employment relations (HR).
Publications Each year, LERA publishes a wealth of information and insight into the field of industrial relations and human resources. LERA publications are provided to members free of charge. Read on to learn more about LERA publications.
LERA Research Volume The annual Research Volume includes scholarly work in fields of interest to LERA members. Edited by LERA members, the Research Volume provides ample teaching and research material.
LERA Perspectives on Work LERA's annual magazine, Perspectives on Work, features incisive articles written by expert workers, students, labor leaders, human resources managers, arbitrators, mediators, government officials, and academics who draw on the rich history and tradition of LERA and the precedents set by its accomplished membership in developing their own visions for the future world of work. Pdf versions are posted on the web for member access.
LERA eBulletin The LERA eBulletin is a semi-monthly newsletter distributed to LERA members. It provides information about LERA members in the news, current LERA calls and deadlines, and other current events of interest in the field of labor and employment relations.
Labor and Employment Law eNewsletters Published quarterly. Staying informed about labor and employment law challenges most professionals. Building on the strong history of informative newsletters from Ellen Dannin and the work of the Labor and Employment Law Interest Section, editor Ann Hodges, University of Richmond, brings important news and trends to labor law. Using original articles and links to a variety of points of view, the newsletters identify the issues you need for your work, study, and research.
Annual Meeting Proceedings Papers presented at the LERA Annual Meeting are published online as the Annual Meeting Proceedings and are posted on the LERA website in .html and .pdf formats, allowing searches and quality printing. These volumes enable the entire membership to share in the ideas and discussions of timely topics.
Local Chapters Become a part of the large network of 50+ LERA chapters, where members meet colleagues in the private and public sectors, as well as college and university faculty and third-party neutrals. Local chapter members learn about issues important in their specific areas and develop a network of professional contacts. The national LERA will put you in touch with your local LERA chapter.
Online Membership Directories LERA membership directories contain the "Who's Who" of professionals in the field. The online directory is a members-only benefit and includes the latest contact information for members in our professional community.
Network at Meetings As a national LERA member, you are invited to attend the LERA Annual Meeting, where you can meet with colleagues and members of LERA's 50+ local chapters and hear educational presentations from academic and practitioner leaders in your field.
LERA Logos LERA logos are available for download and may be used with authorization from the LERA national office. For information on downloading use, contact (217) 333-0072.