Virtual Sessions FAQ |
2021 LERA Virtual Sessions FAQ'sPlease see below for answers to the most common questions about the virtual meeting experience. We have also developed a toolkit for session organizers that includes a quick collection of best practices and options for a virtual format. What time zone will be used for virtual sessions? Sessions will take place in Eastern Standard Time. We are aware that these times won’t be perfect for some presenters. If session organizers wish to accommodate presenters by allowing them to pre-record their presentations, that is perfectly acceptable. Will sessions be recorded and archived for later consumption? Sessions will be recorded, archived and available online through the end of June to meeting participants, and available for longer duration to current LERA members, as long as the session participants in a given session wish the session to be recorded. What happens if there are technical issues during a session? For the organizer, presenter, panelists, discussant, and/or audience? Technology is great, but it doesn’t always perform how we need when we need it. With the added strain on networks as more people are at home and online, sessions may encounter technical glitches. If your session is disrupted (e.g. the chair’s internet connection drops, or a presenter is unable to stream video), we encourage you to continue the session if at all possible (e.g. another participant could step in to moderate and chair the session, presenter order could be changed while someone is working to fix problems on their end). If your session is disrupted and unable to proceed due to network or platform issues for the organizer, presenter, and/or audience, you can request to reschedule your session. Please email [email protected] to make this request. Note: If there is still 1 or more days left in the Annual Meeting time frame (June 5-8, 2021) and your participants have flexibility, we will try to reschedule it. What happens if I am unable to see the session that I want to attend? Virtual sessions will be recorded and archived where possible for 30 days after the meeting for meeting attendees. If your connection does not allow you to participate live, we encourage you to access recorded sessions once they are made available (this will be announced and communicated by the LERA). What is a “co-host”, and what role will this individual serve in the virtual session format? We will ask that the chair of each session to act as the virtual co-host for the session. While the Chair will still be introducing speakers, enforcing time limits, framing the discussion, etc., they will also be moderating and responding to Zoom chats from attendees and QandA, potentially tweeting session details in real time, etc. Creativity in this new role is encouraged! |