LERA@ASSA 2021 January 3-5, 2021, Virtual in conjunction with ASSA/AEA
* * * The ASSA has announced that this meeting will take place virtually. Session duration will still be two hours in length but the session times have been adjusted to begin at 10 am EST, 12:15 pm EST, and 3:45 pm EST. * * *
* * * Registration opens at the ASSA website on September 22, 2020. * * *
The 2021 LERA@ASSA Program Committee brings you 18 sessions on leading topics addressing Labor and Employment Relations Issues, which you are invited to attend. Registration and hotel accommodations will be addressed online at the ASSA/AEA website, registration and housing open September 22, 2020 at https://conf.aeaweb.org, and the earlybird registration deadline is December 3rd. The most up-to-date information about registration can always be found at the ASSA/AEA Annual Meeting Web page, which you can find here: https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2021/. The ASSA/AEA handles all logistics for this conference. If needed, please contact them here.
Registration | LERA Program | Event Summary | Program Committee | Participant Information
3 Basic steps to attend conference
Regular early bird registration is $60 before December 3 ($40 for students). After December 3 the registration rate increases to $100 ($55 for students). Virtual details to be announced at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2021/
All cancellation requests must be emailed to [email protected] by December 3, 2020. Refunds are not issued for any reason if requested after this date. If you register after December 3, 2020, you can not request a refund.
In the past, when you registered for the ASSA meeting, you created an account in the registration system. Please do not create a new account this year. Instead, log back into your existing account to register for any of this year's meetings. To prepare ahead of time, if you have forgotten your username and/or password, use the Forgot your password option. (Please note that the conference system is separate from the AEA membership system. It is possible that you used the same credentials for both, but they could be different.) All new users simply visit their website and create a username and password for the first time.
Virtual Platform As an attendee, you will be able to access sessions and events from a desktop browser or the event app on a mobile device. You will receive a username and password when you register for the meetings. The virtual platform allows you to build a personal daily schedule, receive reminders and updates, search the program, take notes, and more. The app will become available for download in the first week of December.
2. Review program and get more information - You can find information about the LERA sessions online (here).
Thank you to our 2021 LERA@ASSA sponsors!
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Labor and Employment Relations
- Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations
- Pennsylvania State University, School of Labor Relations
- Florida International University, College of Business
- MIT Institute for Work and Employment Relations
- Michigan State University, School of Human Resources & Labor Relations
Event Summary - (To be announced)
LERA@ASSA 2021 Meeting Program Committee (in conjunction with ASSA/AEA)
Aaron Sojourner, co-chair, University of Minnesota; William Rodgers III, co-chair, Rutgers University; Dale Belman, Michigan State University; John Schmitt, Economic Policy Institute; Erica Groshen, Cornell University; Colleen Manchester, University of Minnesota; Paola Giuliano, UCLA Anderson School of Management; Claudia Olivetti, Boston College; Abigail Wozniak, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; Eliza Forsythe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Samuel Myers, University of Minnesota; Takao Kato, Colgate University; William Spriggs, Howard University; and Till von Wachter, UCLA (ex officio)
Participant Information - Important!
You will find detailed information here on what you need to do prior, during, and after the conference to participate as a chair, presenter, panelist, or discussant on the meeting program. Please visit this page, download and print the information you need.
If the program below does not appear, please open a new window and copy and paste this URL: http://leraoffice.org/drupalinclude/program_assa.html.