20th ILERA World Congress 2024

20th ILERA World Congress 2024

Hilton Midtown Manhattan, New York City, United States | June 27-30, 2024

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For more than 50 years, ILERA, the International Labour and Employment Relations Association, has promoted the study – in and across a number of academic disciplines – of labor and employment relations throughout the world.

The 20th ILERA World Congress in New York City will continue this impressive tradition and serve as a vital global platform, gathering scholars, social partners, policymakers, and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and best practices.


The International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) was established in 1966 and its general purpose is to promote the study of labor and employment relations throughout the world in the relevant academic disciplines, by such means as:

• encouraging the establishment and development of national associations of labor and employment relations specialists;
• facilitating the spread of information about significant developments in research and education in the field of labor and employment relations;
• organizing worldwide and regional congresses; and
• promoting internationally planned research, by organizing study groups on particular topics.
Today the Association has members worldwide including prominent industrial relations scholars and practitioners, and 36 national associations and 1 regional association, who together form the ILERA Council.

An ILERA World Congress is convened every three years, where professionals interested in all aspects of labor and employment relations meet to share ideas about new developments, ideas and practices in the field. ILERA also organizes, through its national affiliates, regional congresses.
See further: https://ilo-ilera.org