LERA 66th AM - Static Program 2014


Conference Activities  •  5/29/2014

7 - 8 am

Welcome Breakfast, Hosted by Oregon LERA Chapter—Pavilion
Chair: Jonathan K. Donehower, Kaiser Permanente

8:15 ‑ 10:15 am

ISA/LERA Plenary: Health Care Reform and Its Impact on Labor—Pavilion
Co-Chairs: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair and Geoffrey Parker, Tulane University and ISA President
Panelists: Rebecca Kolins Givan, Rutgers University
Amy L. Clary, AFT
Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University



10:30 am ‑ 12 pm

Concurrent Sessions


1.1  The New Face of Collective Bargaining: Navigating Today's Rough Terrain (Workshop)—Galleria II
Co-Chairs: Paul F. Clark, Pennsylvania State University and Dennis Teel, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Author: Samantha Connelly, AFL-CIO—Innovations in HR at the AFL-CIO
Panelist: Stephen Kessler, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service—Navigating the economic recession, sluggish recovery, health care and pension funding crises at the table
Author: Bob Rootes, United Steelworkers—Innovations in HR at the AFL-CIO
Panelist: Ligia M. Velazquez, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service—Strategies for overcoming the often deeply divisive issues of today's collective bargaining environment


1.2  Movement Toward Shared Prosperity: Overcoming Barriers, Dismantling Filters, and Designing Innovations (Workshop)—Broadway IV
Chair: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University
Panelists: Peter Jay Sorenson, Strategic Organization Design, Inc.—Movement Toward Shared Prosperity in the Hydrocarbon Energy Sector: Innovation Required
Pamela A. Posey, Eyes on Performance—Community engagement in public education - transformative strategy for shared prosperity
Douglas A. Gamble, Manufacturing Renaissance Board of Directors—Advanced Manufacturing and the Re-Creation of a Middle Class: Manufacturing Renaissance as movement toward shared prosperity
Nina Gregg, Communication Resources—Movement Toward Shared Prosperity: alternative economic structures and governance models


1.3  Critical Issues Bargaining (CIB): Enhancing Problem-Solving & Mitigating Adversarial Negotiations (Workshop)—Galleria III
Chair: Eileen B. Hoffman, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Panelist: Michael Franczak, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service—How the parties can leverage transparency, information-sharing, and problem-solving at the early stages of bargaining


1.4  Race, Gender and Youth in the Labor Market (Symposium)—Broadway III
Chair: Marlene Kim, University of Massachusetts Boston
Presenters: Alberto Dávila, Marie T. Mora and Havidán Rodríguez, The University of Texas - Pan American—Paid-Employment, Self-Employment, and the Labor Force Participation of Hispanic Populations during the Great Recession
Marlene Kim, University of Massachusetts Boston—Pay Secrecy and the Gender Wage Gap in the United States
Man Jia, Iowa Department of Revenue—The Bell Curve Revisited: Does 'Intelligence' Still Matter for Youth's Unemployment, Idleness and Injury?
Lisa M Dupnock, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Scott Decker, Jennifer L Smith and David Piper, Indiana University of PA—The Next Generation of Workers and their Work-Life Balance: How will the United States Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


1.5  Emerging Models for Worker Advocacy and Representation—Broadway I & II
Chair: Rosemary Batt, Cornell University
Presenters: Saru Jaramayan, Co-Founder, ROC United—Restaurant Opportunity Centers United: New strategies for Low-Wage Workers
David Rolf, President, Service Employees International Union, Seattle Local 775—Innovative Strategies for Organized Labor
Peter Cervantes-Gautschi, Executive Director, Enlace—Enlace: Transnational campaigns across the U.S. and Mexican Border
Discussant: Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


1.6  LERA/ISA: Education Reform and Teachers' Unions after the Chicago Teachers' Strike—Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Robert Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presenters: Gordon Lafer, University of Oregon—Corporate Attacks on Teachers Unions and Public Education in the State Legislatures
Daniel Perlstein, UC Berkeley—Chicago, I Do Mind Dying: Militant Teacher Unionism Against the Neo-Liberal Assault
Peter Brogan, York University—Flipping the Script: Urban Teachers' Unions, Oppositional Knowledge Production, and Working Class Power
Matthew Luskin, Chicago Teachers Union—Labor and Community Strategies: 'Partnerships' at the Top or Common Struggles from the Bottom Up?
Discussant: Mary Cathryn Ricker, American Federation of Teachers

12:15 ‑ 1:45 pm

LERA National Policy Luncheon and Featured Speaker—Pavilion
Chair: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair
Featured Speaker: David Weil, Wage and Hour Administrator, US Department of Labor



2 ‑ 3:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions


2.1  Interest-Based Bargaining: Silver Bullet or Brass Ring? (Workshop)—Galleria III
Chair: Ligia M. Velazquez, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
Panelists: Julie Kettler, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service—Identifying the core elements of a labor-management relationship that promote successful IBB and recognizing relationship gaps that could be magnified by an unsuccessful attempt at IBB
Kathleen Erskine, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service—Assessing the parties' compatibility and chance for success with IBB


2.2  Precarious Work/Precarious Workers in the Construction, Fast-food, Arts and Entertainment Industry—Galleria II
Chair: Jeff Grabelsky, Cornell University
Panelists: Lois Spier Gray, Cornell University—Precarious Work in the Arts and Entertainment Industry
Maria Figueroa, Cornell University—Green Jobs/Green New York Campaign: A Labor-Community Alliance for Job Creation and Workforce Development for Laborers in New York
Maite Tapia, Michigan State University—Organizing the Fragmented Unorganized? Lessons from the Fast Food Industry
Discussant: Barbara Byrd, University of Oregon


2.3  Fading Dreams and Resurgent Hopes: The Challenges of Revitalizing American Retirement Security (Symposium)—Broadway III
Chair: Charles Jeszeck, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Presenters: Tamara Cross, U.S. Government Accountability Office—No Fee IRAs, Ever? IRA's, 401(k) Plans and Participant Mobility
Nari Rhee, UC Berkeley—Race and Retirement Readiness in the United States
Michael Collins, U.S. Government Accountability Office—Push Comes to Nudge - The Promise and Prospects of Auto IRAs
Discussants: Heather Grob, Saint Martin's University
Candace Howes, Connecticut College


2.4  Better Work and Labor Standards Compliance: Impact Assessment Based On Evidence From Five Programme Countries (Symposium)—Broadway IV
Chair: Anil Verma, University of Toronto
Presenters: Kelly I. Pike, University of Toronto—Better Work Lesotho Impact Assessment: A Comparative Study of Workers' Feedback from 2011 and 2013
Mark Anner, Pennsylvania State University—Worker Voice and Wildcat Strikes in Vietnam
Drusilla Brown, Tufts University—Sexual Harassment in Garment Factories: Firm Structure, Organizational Culture and Incentive Systems
Laura Babbitt, Tufts University—The Social Psychology of Sweatshops: Applying Social Psychological Research to the Study of Factory Working Conditions
Discussant: Arianna Rossi, Better Work Global, International Labour Office


2.5  Wal-Mart: 'Always Low Prices', But at What Cost? (Symposium)—Broadway I & II
Chair: Paula Becker Alexander, Seton Hall University
Presenters: Paula Becker Alexander and Dawn Jaeckel, Seton Hall University—Wal-Mart: 'Always Low Prices', But at What Cost?
Daniel R. Schlademan, United Food and Commercial Workers—Organizing Wal-Mart Workers
Discussant: Elven Riley, Seton Hall University


2.6  Opening Up the Labor Movement: The View from the Building Trades—Grand Ballroom II
Co-Chairs: Robert Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Thea Michailides, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
Panelists: Artie Mendoza, AFL-CIO Building Justice Campaign—A New Labor Movement in the Name of Social Justice
Joseph E. Kolick, Jr., International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, AFL-CIO—The Challenges of Organizing Diverse Workers and Implications for the Building Trades
David Wehde, Working America—The Importance of Developing Community Partners to a "New" Building Trades Movement
Glenn W. Perusek—Confronting Comfortable Beliefs about the Trades and Unionism
Stephen J. Burton, Felhaber Larson—What Does a Re-imagined Labor Movement Mean for Employer-Employee Relations?
Discussants: Robert Bussel, University of Oregon
Romeo Sosa, VOZ (Oregon) Workers' Rights Education Project
Heather Conroy, SEIU Local 503

2 ‑ 3:30 pm

LERA/ISA: How Offshoring, Contracting Out, and Recruiting Workers Are Related to Quality of Domestic Jobs (Symposium)—ISA Room
Chair: Annette Bernhardt, University of California, Berkeley
Presenters: Clair Brown, University of California - Berkeley and Tim Sturgeon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology—2010 NOS: Job Quality and Domestic and International Sourcing of Business Functions
Susan N. Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; Marcus Dillender, Upjohn; and Carolyn Heinrich, University of Texas at Austin—Implications of Economic and Policy Changes for Employment Contracts and Job Quality
Peter Cappelli, University of Pennsylvania—Assessing the Skills Gap Arguments
Discussants: Chip Hunter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peter Berg, Michigan State University

2 ‑ 3:30 pm

LERA/ISA: Cross-firm Mobility in Professional and Managerial Occupations: Consequences for Firms and Workers (Symposium)—ISA Room
Presenters: Forrest Briscoe, Pennsylvania State University and Michelle Rogan, INSEAD—Knowledge Networks, Partner Departures and Client Tie Performance in a Law Firm
Pooria Assadi and Andrew von Nordenflycht, Simon Fraser University—The Interaction of Individuals and Organizations in Professional Misconduct
Matthew Bidwell, University of Pennsylvania and Ethan Mollick, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)—Shifts and Ladders: Comparing the Role of Internal and External Mobility in Executive Careers
Discussant: Gina Dokko, U.C. Davis Graduate school of Management



3:45 ‑ 5:15 pm

Concurrent Sessions


3.1  Cooperative Employment Relations to Preserve Jobs: Responsible Restructuring Practices and Shared Work (Workshop)—Broadway III
Chair: Daniel Marschall, AFL-CIO
Presenters: Wayne F. Cascio, University of Colorado Denver—Alternatives to Downsizing: Cooperative Efforts in Responsible Restructuring
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Hans-Boeckler-Foundation—Macroeconomic implications of the German short time work policy during the Great Recession
Susan N. Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research—Short-Time Compensation as a Tool to Mitigate Job Loss? Evidence on the U.S. Experience during the Recent Recession
Discussant: Dee Anna Hassanpour, Oregon Employment Department


3.2  The Quality of Jobs for Low Wage Workers in the Hospitality Industry (Symposium)—Broadway IV
Chair: Rosemary Batt, Cornell University
Presenters: Tashlin Lakhani, Cornell University—The Hotel Industry: Franchise Ownership and its Effects on HR Practices and the Quality of Jobs
Jae Eun Lee, Cornell University—The Restaurant Industry: Managing different occupational groups and its consequences
Minsu Longiaru, Deputy Director, ROC United—Strategies to Promote the High Road in the Hospitality Industry
Discussant: David Weil, Wage and Hour Administrator, US Department of Labor


3.3  Organized Labor and the Creation of Public Goods (Workshop)—Broadway I & II
Chair: Robert Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Panelists: John W. Budd, University of Minnesota—The Role of Labor Unions in Creating Publicly Valuable Outcomes
Veronica Terriquez, University of Southern California—Schools for Democracy: Labor Union Participation and the School-Based Civic Engagement of Latino Immigrant Parents
J. Ryan Lamare, Pennsylvania State University—Union Identification, Union Exchange, and Worker Policy: Legislative Behavior in California, 1999-2012
Rolland Zullo, University of Michigan—Organized Labor's Civic Niche
Jack Fiorito, Florida State University—For Justice, or Just Us? Why Do People Really Join Unions?
Discussant: Heather Conroy, SEIU Local 503


3.4  LERA/ISA: Transformation of the Science Enterprise: Workable and Sustainable?—Galleria II
Co-Chairs: Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and John Leslie King, University of Michigan
Presenters: Susan Winter, University of Maryland; Burcu Bolukbasi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and Leslie Dechurch, Georgia Institute of Technology—Team Science
John Leslie King, University of Michigan; Namchul Shin, Pace University; and Ilya Zaslavsky, University of San Diego—The Changing Social Contract
Cheryl Annette Thompson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nosh Contractor, Northwestern University; Mike Haberman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Barbara Lawrence, University of California, Los Angeles; and Spencer Lewis, General Dynamics—Social Network Analysis of Data Sharing in the Geosciences
Nick Berente, University of Georgia and Charles Mcelroy, Case Western Reserve—Organizational Transformation in Cyberinfrastructure
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Barbara Mittleman, Nodality, Inc.; and Eric Knight, University of Sydney—Pre-competitive Institutional Arrangements in the Biosciences


3.5  New Forms to Settle Old Scores: Non-traditional Forms of Membership in Labor Unions—Pavilion
Chair: Elizabeth Bunn, AFL-CIO
Presenters: Phil Kugler, American Federation of Teachers—Building Teachers' Unions Without Collective Bargaining Rights
Daniel R. Schlademan, United Food and Commercial Workers—Building Our Walmart
David Wehde, Working America—New Directions for Working America
David Rolf, President, Service Employees International Union, Seattle Local 775—Incubation of New Models, Union Innovation on the Ground and the Organization of Home Care Workers Outside of the Traditional Collective Bargaining Process
Discussants: Janice Fine, Rutgers University
Ana Avendano, United Way Worldwide


3.6  LERA/ISA: Which Workshop for the World? China vs. Mexico as Hubs for Manufacturing Jobs (Symposium)—Galleria III
Chair: Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University
Presenters: Jorge Carrillo, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte—Industrial Downgrading: The Television Industry in Mexico - Technological Change and Cluster Formation
Janette Brito, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Javier Salinas, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro—Flying to Mexico: Global Strategies in the Aerospace Industry
Lu Zhang, Temple University—New Challenges and Opportunities for Manufacturing and Labour in China: The Case of the Automobile Industry Abstract
Wai Kit Choi, California State University, Los Angeles and David A. Smith, UC Irvine—Nike, Apple, and Global Capital: Chinese Export Manufacturing, Commodity Chains, and Labor Exploitation
Ian Robinson, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor—Export Competitiveness and Union Power in the Auto Assembly and Consumer Electronics Sectors of Mexico and China
Discussant: Eileen Otis, University of Oregon

5:30 ‑ 6:45 pm

Welcome Reception Jointly Hosted by University IR/HR programs, LERA and ISA—Skyline, 23rd Floor
Chair: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair


Conference Activities  •  5/30/2014

7 ‑ 8 am

AFL-CIO Breakfast and Featured Speaker—Pavilion
Chair: Daniel Marschall, AFL-CIO
Featured Speakers: Liz Shuler, AFL-CIO—Introduction
Tom Chamberlain, Oregon AFL-CIO



8 ‑ 9:30 am

Concurrent Sessions


4.1  Effective Labor Management Committees: Why Some Succeed and Others Falter and How to Leverage Best Practices with Joint Healthcare Committees (Workshop)—Skyline II
Chair: Stephen Kessler, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Panelists: Beth Schindler, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
Dennis Teel, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service—Building and sustaining vibrant joint problem-solving committees that reap mutual gains as a proactive strategy for dealing with health care issues beyond the bargaining table


4.2  Meet the Administrator "Enforcement in a Fissured Economy"—Broadway III & IV
Chair: Janice Fine, Rutgers University
Panelists: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair
Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Rosemary Batt, Cornell University
Annette Bernhardt, University of California, Berkeley
Rebecca Smith, National Employment Law Project
Discussant: David Weil, Wage and Hour Administrator, US Department of Labor


4.3  AFL-CIO Strategies on Young Workers and Diversity Initiatives (Workshop)—Broadway I & II
Chair: Susan J. Schurman, Rutgers University
Panelists: Liz Shuler, AFL-CIO—AFL-CIO's Strategic Vision
Barbara Byrd, University of Oregon—Oregon AFL-CIO Strategies
Monica Bielski Boris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—Labor and Employment Relations Research on AFL-CIO Strategies


4.4  Change and Innovation in Health Care: International Perspectives (Symposium)—Forum
Chair: Peter Lazes, Cornell University
Presenters: Ruth Ballardie and Richard Gough, Victoria University; Greg J. Bamber and Amrik Sohal, Monash University; Timothy Bartram and Sandy Leggat, La Trobe University; and Pauline Stanton, RMIT University—Lean Thinking and Quality Improvement, Audit Culture and Work Intensification in Nursing
Ana Lopes, Sian Moore and Stephanie Tailby, University of the West of England—Integrating Healthcare & Social Care Service Delivery: Evaluating Work, Employment Relations & Quality of Care Effects in the United Kingdom
Dennis L. Dabney, Kaiser Permanente—Navigating the Workforce of the Future in Partnership
Discussants: Adrienne E. Eaton, Rutgers University
Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


4.5  Public Sector Labor Law: Reform or Attack? (Workshop)—Studio
Chair: Jim Pruitt, Kaiser Permanente
Panelists: Frederick P. Kessler, Arbitrator, Member Wisconsin State House of Representatives—Impact of Wisconsin
Todd A. Lyon, Barran Liebman LLP—Management Perspective
Michael Tedesco, The Tedesco Law Group—Union Perspective

8 ‑ 11:15 am

LERA 16th Annual PhD Student Consortium—Skyline III
Co-Chairs: Christina L. Frye and WonJoon Chung, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Bert Mustafa Azizoglu, The New School University



9:45 ‑ 11:15 am

Concurrent Sessions


5.1  The Affinity Approach to Collaborative Economic Bargaining (Workshop)—Broadway I & II
Chair: Beth Schindler, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
Panelist: Thomas W. Olson, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service—Transforming distributive, economic bargaining into an integrative model using the concept of Zone of Agreement


5.2  Progressive Labor Market Institutions in the U.S.: New Evidence on State and Local Policy (Symposium)—Studio
Chair: Chris Tilly, University of California-Los Angeles
Presenters: Nichola Lowe, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill—From Skill Mismatch to Reinterpretation: Challenges and Solutions for Manufacturing Worker Retention and Recruitment
Greg Schrock, Portland State University—Equity, Efficiency and Intermediary Structures for First Source and Local Hiring Programs in U.S. Cities
Marc Doussard and Ahmad Gamal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—Assessing the Community-Labor Coalition Model in Ordinary Cities: Thin Networks and Invisible Workplace Problems in St. Louis
T. William Lester, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill—Inside Monopsony: Understanding How Labor Standards Shape Employment Practices in the Restaurant Industry


5.3  The Value of Perspectives in the Workplace (Workshop)—Broadway III & IV
Chair: Lauren Appelbaum, LA·PhD


5.4  Labor Market Impacts of Health Care Reform (Symposium)—Skyline II
Chair: Robert Valletta, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Presenters: Carrie H. Colla, Dartmouth University; William H. Dow, UC Berkeley; and Arindrajit Dube, University of Massachusetts-Amherst—The Labor Market Impact of Employer Health Benefit Mandates: Evidence from San Francisco's Health Care Security Ordinance
Robert Valletta, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco—Better Late Than Never? An Evaluation of the Affordable Care Act's Employer Mandate
Thomas C. Buchmueller and Sarah Miller, University of Michigan; Kamyar Nasseh and Marko Vujicic, American Dental Association—How Do Providers Respond to Public Health Insurance Expansions? Evidence from Adult Medicaid Dental Benefits
James Martin, Wayne State University; Robert R. Sinclair, Clemson University; and Jaegel Lee, Wayne State University—Satisfaction with Union Negotiated Health Care on the Eve of the Affordable Care Act
Discussants: Jeffrey Dominitz, Resolution Economics
Arindrajit Dube, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Thomas C. Buchmueller, University of Michigan


5.5  Evolving Approaches to Workplace Aggression (Workshop)—Forum
Chair: Helen Moss, University of Oregon
Presenters: Helen Moss, Barbara Byrd and Deborah Mailander, University of Oregon—Bullying in the Workplace
Liu-Qin Yang, Portland State University—Reducing Workplace Aggression Towards Nurses
Courtney Niebel, Oregon Nurses Association—Union Responses to Workplace Aggression
Debi Smith, Multnomah County Health Department—Workplace Aggression and Bullying: A Human Resources Perspective

11:35 am ‑ 12:35 pm

Membership Committee Meeting—Skyline IV
Co-Chairs: Marcus Widenor, University of Oregon; Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator/Mediator; and Jeffrey H. Keefe, Rutgers University

12:45 ‑ 1:45 pm

Dispute Resolution Interest Section Meeting—Skyline IV
Co-Chairs: Sergio A. Delgado, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; Richard Fincher, Workplace Resolutions LLC; Karen Jalkut, American Arbitration Association; and Sheila G. Mayberry, Arbitrator



2 ‑ 3:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions


6.1  Arbitrator Panel: Red Light/Green Light—Broadway I & II
Co-Chair: David W. Stiteler, Arbitrator
Panelists: Tom Levak, Arbitrator
Richard Fincher, Workplace Resolutions LLC
Luella Nelson, Arbitrator
David Gaba, Compass Legal Group PLLC
Carol Teather, Arbitrator


6.2  Building the Future: Current Issues in the Construction Sector (Workshop)—Broadway III & IV
Chair: Patrick McHugh, George Washington University
Presenters: Dale Belman, Michigan State University—Improving Construction Demand Forecasting
Heather Grob, Saint Martin's University and Matthew M. Bodah, University of Rhode Island—Joint Panels and Dispute Resolution
Alison Dickson Quesada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—The Economic Effects of Adopting a Right-to-Work Law: Implications for Construction
Jeffrey Waddoups, University of Nevada-Las Vegas—The Timing of Training in the Construction Industry
Discussants: Marc Weinstein, Florida International University
Scott Bailey, Washington Employment Security Department


6.3  Tools for Labor Management Professionals (MBTI) (Workshop)—Skyline II
Chair: Daisy Santos, NW Natural


6.4  The Governance of Global Supply Chains (Symposium)—Forum
Chair: Mark Anner, Pennsylvania State University
Presenters: Anil Verma, University of Toronto—Canadian Buyers' Response to Labor Standards: The Bangladesh Case
Sarosh C. Kuruvilla, Cornell University—Global Value Chains and Employment Relations Theory
Janice Bellace, University of Pennsylvania—The Need for Coherence in the Global Governance System
Discussant: Jeffrey S. Wheeler, Esq., Washington, DC


6.5  Traineeships and Internships for Students and Young People: School-to-Work Transition or Exploitation? (Symposium)—Studio
Chair: Susan N. Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Presenters: Michele Tiraboschi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia—Traineeships and Internships for Young People. At the Border between Training and Exploitation
Paolo Nicola Barbieri, University of Bologna; Francesca Fazio and Gabriele Gamberini, University of Bergamo—Twitter-based Social Science Research: an Experimentation on Internship
Andrew Langille, Canadian Intern Association—Regulatory Failure? The Anglo-American Model of Internships and the Efficacy of Employment Standards Regulation
Martina Ori and Francesca Sperotti, University of Bergamo—What is Internship? Legal Definitions as Essential Regulatory Tool: A Comparative Analysis
Discussant: Eric Glatt, Georgetown University

2 ‑ 3:30 pm

National Chapter Advisory Council (NCAC) Chapter Representatives Meeting—Skyline III
Co-Chairs: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University and Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator/Mediator



3:45 ‑ 5:15 pm

Concurrent Sessions


7.1  New Developments in Arbitration—Broadway I & II
Chair: David W. Stiteler, Arbitrator
Presenters: Carrie G. Donald and Aaron Stephenson, University of Louisville—Assessing Just Cause for Insubordination in Unionized Environment: A Study of Arbitration Decisions from 1995 through 2011
Henry Drummonds, Lewis and Clark Law School—A Reinterpretation of the Public Policy Exception to Labor Arbitration Award Enforcement
Discussant: Richard Fincher, Workplace Resolutions LLC


7.2  Employee Ownership and Shared Capitalism: The Proponents, The Skeptics, and the Evidence—Skyline II
Chair: Felice B. Klein, Michigan State University
Panelists: Mary Ann Beyster, Foundation for Enterprise Development—We the Owners: Employees Expanding the American Dream
Daniel J.B. Mitchell, University of California, Los Angeles—The Downside(s) of Employee Ownership and Shared Capitalism
Edward Carberry, University of Massachusetts Boston—Employee Ownership and Shared Capitalism: What We Really Know and What Remains to be Learned


7.3  Security, Surveillance and Implications for Labor Relations—Broadway III & IV
Chair: Anna Roberts, Oregon LERA


7.4  Comparing Informal Worker Organizing Around the World (Symposium)—Forum
Chair: Françoise Carré, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Presenters: Sally Roever, Women in Informal Employment; Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO)—Comparative Patterns of Informal Worker Organizing: When, Where and How Informal Traders Organize to Influence Urban Policies
Manuel Rosaldo, UC Berkeley—The Power of Powerless Workers: Informal Recyclers and Symbolic Politics in Brazil and Colombia
Hina Sheikh, UCLA—Cross-country comparison of alternative forms of worker organization in improving subcontracted work in the textile and garment
Chris Tilly, University of California-Los Angeles—Experiments, Alliances, Identities: Comparing Informal Worker Organizing in Mexico and the United States
Discussant: Sean Basinski, Urban Justice Center


7.5  Accountability of Labor and Employment Relations Degree Programs: Discovering the Knowledge and Skills Required for Occupations—Studio
Chair: Daniel J. Koys, DePaul University
Panelists: Kenneth R. Thompson, DePaul University—A Degree Program Assessment Model
Phil Lewis, U.S. Department of Labor—The Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
Daniel J. Koys, DePaul University—O*NET Applied to Labor and Employment Relations Degree Programs
Discussant: David Rivkin, U.S. Department of Labor

3:45 ‑ 5:15 pm

University Council of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Programs Meeting—Skyline III
Chair: William N. Cooke, Michigan State University

5:30 ‑ 6 pm

International Interest Section Annual Meeting—Skyline III
Co-Chairs: Greg J. Bamber, Monash University and Janice Bellace, University of Pennsylvania

5:30 ‑ 7 pm

"From Wharf Rats to Lords of the Docks" A Live Performance About Labor Leader Harry Bridges, Followed By Q&A (Workshop)—Broadway I & II
Chair: Marcus Widenor, University of Oregon
Featured Speaker: Ian Ruskin, The Harry Bridges Project

6:30 ‑ 10 pm

LERA Executive Board Meeting—Skyline II
Chair: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair


Conference Activities  •  5/31/2014

7 ‑ 8 am

Continental Breakfast—Pavilion
Chair: Eric Duchinsky, Labor and Employment Relations Association



8 ‑ 9:30 am

Concurrent Sessions


8.1  Researchers and Practitioners Examine Invisible Costs of Work (Workshop)—Broadway I & II
Chair: Cyndi Ellen Furseth, Portland General Electric
Presenters: John August, Cornell University - New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations—Cost Reduction in Health Care - Examples from the Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente
John F. Burton, Jr., Rutgers University—Seeing the Costs of Workplace Injuries -- Who Pays and How?
Marie-Louise Caravatti, American Federation of Teachers—At What Costs Teaching?
Ellen Dannin—The Public's Costs of Privatization
Leigh McIlvaine, Good Jobs First—Taxpayers - Lesser Known Job Creators


8.2  Labor Standards, Enforcement, and the Reorganization of Work (Symposium)—Parlor A & B
Chair: Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Presenters: Sylvia A. Allegretto and Michael Reich, University of California, Berkeley—Price Effects of Minimum Wage Increases
Janice Fine, Rutgers University—Solving the Problem from Hell: Tripartism as a Strategy for Addressing Labor Standards Non-Compliance in the United States
Annette Bernhardt, University of California, Berkeley—Labor Standards and the Reorganization of Work
Abay Asfaw, CDC/NIOSH—Effectiveness of OSHA Inspection in Reducing Workplace Hazards on Inspected Establishments (1984-2009)
Discussant: Rosemary Batt, Cornell University


8.3  The Great Generational Divide: Myth, reality or should we just get back to work? (Workshop)—Galleria II
Chair: Julie Kettler, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Panelists: Eileen B. Hoffman, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service—Are the values, perspectives, and expectations of the five generations hopelessly at odds in the unionize workplace? Or do they share more in common than we know?
Sergio A. Delgado, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service—Engaging the generations in the conversations that break down stereotypes and building bridges instead of walls
Evren Mehmet Dincer, Cornell University—The Problem of 'Legacy Costs': Dynamics of Generational Change in the American Auto Industry


8.4  Strikes and Collective Bargaining in China (Symposium)—Broadway III
Chair: Sarosh C. Kuruvilla, Cornell University
Presenters: Eli Friedman, Cornell University—Centralization of Bargaining in China's Urban Services
Chunyun Li and Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University—Actions for Collective Power: Industrial Action and Collective Bargaining in China
Hao Zhang, Cornell University—What Preconditions Industry-level Bargaining in China?
Discussants: Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Earl Brown, Jr., Solidarity Center


8.5  National Chapter Advisory Council (NCAC) Session on Chapter Building—Broadway IV
Co-Chairs: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University and Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator/Mediator


8.6  Labor Relations Communities in History (Symposium)—Parlor C
Chair: Charles J. Whalen, Congressional Budget Office
Presenters: Michael Hillard, University of Southern Maine—Acadian Rebellion During the "Unquiet Decades: The Story of a 1971 Strike"
Emily E. LaBarbera Twarog, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—From a Woman’s Point of View: The 1941 Ford Organizing Campaign and Domestic Politic
Howard Stanger, Canisius College—'A House Divided': The United Typothetae of America's Failure to Develop a Centralized Labor Policy, 1887-1925
J N Musto, University of Hawaii Professional Assembly—A Letter from Srpringhill



9:45 ‑ 11:15 am

Concurrent Sessions


9.1  Resolving Interpersonal Conflict in the Workplace (Workshop)—Parlor A & B
Chair: Tia Schneider Denenberg, Workplace Solutions, Inc.
Panelists: Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator/Mediator—Should there be trained interpersonal mediators in the workplace?
Kathleen Erskine, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service— Could labor-management neutrals become interpersonal dispute resolvers?
John Lenssen, Univeristy of Oregon—Should conflict resolution be taught as a universal job skill?
Marlene K. Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies—Early-Stage Facilitation of Interpersonal Dispute Resolution: A Leadership Challenge
Tia Schneider Denenberg, Workplace Solutions, Inc.—Resolving Inter-Professional Conflict in Health Care: The University of California Medical School Initiative


9.2  LERA Competitive Papers, Session I—Parlor C
Chair: Jeffrey Waddoups, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Presenters: Todd Vachon, Michael Wallace and Allen Hyde, University of Connecticut—Globalization, Regionalization, and Union Density in the Neoliberal Era
Xiangmin (Helen) Liu, Penn State University—The Changing Face of Employment Relationship in China: How Institutional Demands and Organizational Characteristics Explain Variation in Contingent Work
Ed Snape, Hong Kong Baptist University—Do Unions in China's Foreign-invested Enterprises Really Represent Their Members?
Nathan Dong, Columbia University—Wage Dispersion and Firm Financial Performance: Evidence from Non-profit Hospitals


9.3  Effective Use of Mediation & Mediators: What Advocates Need to Know (Workshop)—Galleria II
Chair: Mollie H. Bowers, Arbitrator/Mediator
Panelists: Brian Hungerford, The Hungerford Law Firm—A Management Attorney's Perspective
Darrell Clark, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service—An FMCS Mediator's Perspective
John Scott, Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals—An Union Advocate's Perspective


9.4  The Characterization of Labor--and perhaps Management--in the Media—Broadway I & II
Chair: David Lewin, University of California-Los Angeles
Presenters: Matthew Sottong, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.—Survey of Workplace Flexibility Programs
Kenneth May, BNA—Jounnalists' View of Labor Coverage
Discussant: Daniel J.B. Mitchell, University of California, Los Angeles


9.5  LERA Best Posters—Broadway III
Chair: Ariel C. Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presenters: Jon Lepie, retired union representative—Bargaining Structure and Inflation
Jing Wang, York University and Frank Reid, University of Toronto—The Impact of Work Hours Discrepancy on Absenteeism
Tomoyuki Shimanuki, Hitotsubashi University—Why Low-skilled Temporary Agency Workers Tend to Stay in Bad Jobs: Evidence from Japan
Clifford B. Donn, Le Moyne College—Teacher Collective Bargaining in Urban, Suburban and Rural School Districts: Data from New York State
Ahreum Joo, Korea university and Boreum Ju, Korea University—The moderating effect of commitment to change on relationship between career planning and job performance
Chris Rhomberg and Heather Gautney, Fordham University—The Quicksilver Production Complex: De-agglomeration and Labor Market Governance in the American Film Industry
Nathan Dong, Columbia University—Wage Dispersion and Firm Financial Performance: Evidence from Non-profit Hospitals
Fred Stahl, Fred Stahl LLC—Worker Leadership


9.6  Labor Unions and Migrant Worker Organizing and Public Policy in Comparative Perspective—Broadway IV
Chair: Ana Avendano, United Way Worldwide
Presenters: Janice Fine, Rutgers University—Emergent Solidarities: Labor Movement Responses to Migrant Workers in Comparative Perspective
Maite Tapia, Michigan State University—Mobilizing Against Inequality: Unions, Immigrant Workers, and the Crisis of Capitalism
Shawna Bader-Blau, AFL-CIO—Reflections on Solidarity Center's Experiences in the Field
Discussant: Ana Avendano, AFL-CIO

11:30 am ‑ 12 pm

Development & Contributions/Sponsorship & Grants Committees Meeting—Parlor C
Chair: Marlene K. Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies

12 ‑ 1:45 pm

Presidential Luncheon—Pavilion
Chair: Martin Mulloy, Ford Motor Co. (ret.)
Featured Speakers: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair
Wilma B. Liebman, former Chair, National Labor Relations Board



2 ‑ 3:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions


10.1  Bullygate (Workshop)—Parlor A & B
Chair: Marlene K. Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies
Panelists: Carlos Perez, Reich, Adell & Cvitan—The responsibilities of unions in preventing workplace bullying and advocating for members
Thomas Lenz, Atkinson Andelson Loya Rudd & Roma—Management actions to identify & eliminate workplace bullying
Juan Carlos Gonzales, Arbitrator & Mediator—Workplace bullying from the viewpoint of the neutral


10.2  Innovative Workplace Practices: Strategies for Shared Prosperity in the New Economy (Symposium)—Broadway I & II
Co-Chairs: Matthew Bidwell, University of Pennsylvania and Kaumudi Misra, Rutgers University
Presenters: Kaumudi Misra, Rutgers University—HR Practices and Global Team Effectiveness: Do Time Zone Differences Matter?
Joon W. Sohn and Pamela S. Tolbert, Cornell University—Bureaucratization of the HR Function: The Case of British SMEs
Fu-xi Wang and Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University—Exploring New Practices for Employment Relations: A Comparison of Negotiation Strategies in Three Chinese Auto Firms


10.3  Diversity 2.0: Ending Microaggressions in the Workplace (LBGTQ and Race). (Workshop)—Broadway III
Chair: Barbara J. Diamond, Diamond Law Training


10.4  International Comparison of New Practices in Collective Bargaining—Broadway IV
Co-Chairs: Ana Lopes, University of the West of England and Stefano Gasparri, ILR School - Cornell University
Presenters: Patrik Nordin, University of Helsinki—Are We in This Together? An Analysis of European Trade Union Networks
Ana Lopes, University of the West of England—Casualization and union responses in UK Higher and Further education
Stefano Gasparri, ILR School - Cornell University—IR revitalization in between institutions and activism. Unionizing zero-hours contract workers in Italian fashion stores


10.5  AILR/LERA Best Papers (Symposium)—Parlor C
Co-Chair: David Lewin, University of California, Los Angeles
Presenters: Yoon-Ho Kim, Rutgers University; Youngsang Kim, University of South Carolina; and Owwon Park, Catholic University of Korea—A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed: Organizational Decline, Collective Voluntary Turnover, and Labor Productivity
Brian Harney, Dublin City University—Using Skeletons From the Past to Flesh Out a Future for HRM Theory and Research
Jeffrey H. Keefe, Rutgers University—The Changing Demand for Human Resource Management: The Role of Demand for Occupational Skill Specificity in Firm ILMs
John A. Logan, San Francisco State University—Union and Employer Reporting Under the LMRDA: What Difference Has the Obama Administration Made?


10.6  Wage Stagnation, the Attack on Labor Standards and Labor-Community Campaigns to Raise Wages (Symposium)—Galleria II
Chair: Rebecca Smith, National Employment Law Project
Presenters: Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute—A Decade of Flat Wages: The Key Barrier to Shared Prosperity and a Rising Middle Class
Gordon Lafer, University of Oregon—The Legislative Attack on American Wages and Labor Standards
Andrew Beane, Working Washington—Thinking Bigger in Local Minimum Wage Campaigns: The Fight for $15 in Seatac and Seattle
Discussant: Ken Jacobs, UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education



3:45 ‑ 5:15 pm

Concurrent Sessions


11.1  From Conflict to Collaboration: How Labor & Management at the FAA Are Leading Cultural and Technological Transformation to Improve Safety & Efficiency of the National Airspace—Broadway I & II
Chair: Andrew von Nordenflycht, Simon Fraser University
Panelists: Cathy Wright, Overland Resource Group—Collaborative Tools & Approaches Utilized by Labor & Management to Lead Organizational Transformation at the FAA
Teri Bristol, Federal Aviation Administration—Staying the Course: The Keys to Sustaining Labor-Management Collaboration in an Ever-Changing Environment
Trish Gilbert, National Air Traffic Controllers Association—From Adversaries to Allies: How Labor and Management Leaders Overcame Intractable Conflict to Work as Strategic Partners
Mike Perrone, Professional Aviation Safety Specialists union—How PASS & Tech Ops Unfroze the Middle and Equipped Front Line Employees as Internal Resources to Support and Sustain Collaboration


11.2  The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Labor Policy Changes—Broadway IV
Chair: William Spriggs, Howard University
Presenters: Rinku Sen, Applied Research Center—Rolling back state labor regulation: Impacts on Workers on Color
Candace Howes, Connecticut College—Home care, the FLSA, Harris v. Quinn and a Floor on Low Wage Work
John Burbank, Economic Opportunity Institute—Winning Minimum Wage Campaigns: The Case of Washington State
Ken Jacobs, UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education—When Mandates Work: Raising Labor Standards at the Local Level, the Case of San Francisco
Discussant: Steven Pitts, UC Berkeley


11.3  Variation in Access to Justice in Workplace Dispute Resolution (Symposium)—Galleria II
Chair: Greg J. Bamber, Monash University
Presenters: Alexander J.S. Colvin, Cornell University—Inequality in Justice in the American Workplace: Towards a New Conceptual Model
Ariel C. Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; J. Ryan Lamare, Pennsylvania State University; and David B. Lipsky, Cornell University—Employee Access to ADR Procedures in U.S. Corporations: An Empirical Analysis of the Fortune 1000
Mark Gough, Cornell University—Employee Access to Justice Under Arbitration: The High Cost of an Inexpensive Forum
Todd Dickey, Cornell University—The Influence of an Integrated Conflict Management System on Access to Justice in the Public Sector: The Roles and Perceptions
Discussant: David Lewin, University of California, Los Angeles


11.4  Global Workers' Rights: Practice and Research—Parlor A & B
Co-Chairs: Michael Wasser, Jobs With Justice and Imani Countess, Solidarity Center
Presenters: Imani Countess, Solidarity Center—Labor Rights Protections and the U.S. Africa Growth and Opportunity Act
Sunwook Chung, Sogang University—A critical analysis of employment/labor part in Korean firms’ CSR Reports
Chaturong Napathorn, ILR School, Cornell University—Thai Multinational Enterprises (MNEs): A Comparison of Global Strategies and Labor Practices
Michael Wasser, Jobs With Justice and Daniel Costa, Economic Policy Institute—No More Guessing on Guestworkers: Toward a Better Understanding of the H-1B Temporary Nonimmigrant Visa Program's Impact on the U.S. Labor Market


11.5  LERA Competitive Papers, Session II—Parlor C
Chair: Monica Bielski Boris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presenters: Nien-chi Liu, National Central University—A Double-Edged Sword: The Effects of Human Resource Flexibility on Work-Family Conflict
John A. Logan, San Francisco State University—The Movement to Eliminate Labor's Political Voice: Proposition 32 and "Paycheck Protection" In the United States
Chris Rhomberg, Fordham University—The Quicksilver Production Complex: De-agglomeration and Labor Market Governance in the American Film Industry
Paula Becker Alexander, Seton Hall University—Wal-Mart: 'Always Low Prices', But at What Cost?
John W. Budd, Aaron J. Sojourner and Jaewoo Jung, University of Minnesota—Are Voluntary Agreements Better? Evidence from Baseball Arbitration


11.6  Politics and Organizing—Broadway III
Co-Chairs: Ann Shirley Leymon, Washington State University - Vancouver and Daniel Gilbert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presenters: Ann Shirley Leymon, Washington State University - Vancouver—Fighting for a Fair Economy? Labor Union Policy Influence during the Economic Crisis of 2008
Tingting Zhang, University of Toronto—A Social Network Analysis of the Canadian Union Movement
Daniel Gilbert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—Up for the Rising: Firefighters, Popular Culture, and the Struggle for the U.S. Public Sector
Robert Russell, University of Missouri—Labor's Big Victory: Contextualizing Missouri's 1978 Right-to-Work Referendum

5:30 ‑ 6:45 pm

General Membership Meeting and Awards Ceremony—Pavilion
Chair: Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University, LERA President and Program Chair


Conference Activities  •  6/1/2014

7 ‑ 8 am

Continental Breakfast—Pavilion
Chair: Eric Duchinsky, Labor and Employment Relations Association



8 ‑ 9:30 am

Concurrent Sessions


12.1  Historical Perspectives on Class, the American Workplace and Society: A Book Symposium (Symposium)—Broadway I
Chair: Michael Hillard, University of Southern Maine
Presenters: Margaret Gray, Adelphi University—Labor and the Locavore: Uncovering the Plight of Marginalized Immigrant Workers in the Hudson Valley's Locavore Farm Industry
Penny Lewis, CUNY School of Professional Studies—Hardhats, Hippies, and Hawks: Exploring Vietnam's Legacy for the U.S. Working Class' Imagined and Real Politics


12.2  Labor Supply, Session I—Broadway II
Chair: Bert Mustafa Azizoglu, The New School University
Presenters: Erik Kojola, University of Minnesota—Boomers at Work/in Transition: The Minnesota Experience
Qianyun Xie, University of Minnesota—Impact of Family Characteristics on Reactions to Incentives
Bert Mustafa Azizoglu, The New School University—How does household debt translate into labor market outcomes?


12.3  The Impact of Workplace Differentiation in Pay and HR Practices on Employee Outcomes (Symposium)—Broadway III
Chair: Aaron J. Sojourner, University of Minnesota
Presenters: Jed DeVaro, California State University East Bay and John S. Heywood, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee—Performance-Based Pay and Work-Related Health Problems: A Longitudinal Study of Establishments
Joseph Schmidt, Dionne Pohler and Chelsea Willness, University of Saskatchewan and David A. Jones, University of Vermont—That's Not Fair: Job-Based Differentiation in HR Practices in the Same Establishment
Chris Riddell, Cornell University and Dionne Pohler, University of Saskatchewan—The Role of Unions and Job Evaluation Design in Pay Equity Compliance in Private Sector Firms: A Field Study
Discussants: Aaron J. Sojourner, University of Minnesota
Jeffrey B. Arthur, Virginia Tech University

8 ‑ 9:30 am

Editorial Board Committee Meeting—Council
Chair: Ariel C. Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



9:45 ‑ 11:15 am

Concurrent Sessions


13.1  Worker Voice and Career Outcomes—Broadway I
Co-Chairs: Patrice Laroche, ESCP Europe Business School (Paris) and Heungjun Jeong, Rutgers University
Presenters: Patrice Laroche, ESCP Europe Business School (Paris)—Unionized Employee Commitments and Career Success: An Exploratory Study Using Factor Mixture Analysis
Irene Wen-fen Yang, National Chung Cheng University—When money talks louder in change context: Exploring the three-way interaction effect of justice perceptions and empowerment
Heungjun Jeong and Seahee Kang, Rutgers University—Work attitudes of Returned Victims: The Mediating Role of Trust and The Moderating Role of Industrial Relations Climate and Perc
Boreum Ju, Korea University—The impact of multinational company worker's positive psychological capital and organizational commitment on job performance.


13.2  The Impact of School Reform Policies on States, Schools, and Labor Relations (Symposium)—Broadway II
Chair: Saul Rubinstein, Rutgers University
Presenters: Nancy E. Peace, Massachusetts Education Partnership and Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology—Implementing School Reform through State-level Union-Management Collaboration
Frits K. Pil, University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business and Carrie R. Leana, University of Pittsburgh—School Reform Policy, Shared Values and Standardization
John McCarthy and Saul Rubinstein, Rutgers University—School Reform Policy, Unions and Organizational Collaboration
Aaron J. Sojourner, University of Minnesota—Effects of Teacher Unionization on Student Achievement
Discussant: Susan J. Schurman, Rutgers University


13.3  Labor Unions and Employee Voice—Broadway III
Co-Chairs: Jacob Peter Lesniewski, Dominican University and Sean E. Rogers, New Mexico State University
Presenters: Jacob Peter Lesniewski, Dominican University—Worker Centers and the Piven and Cloward Strategy for Workplace Regulation
Ben Lawrie, University of Otago—Online Contract Ratification: Implications for Collective Bargaining
Sean E. Rogers, New Mexico State University; Adrienne E. Eaton, Paula Voos and Tracy Chang, Rutgers University—Exploring the Accuracy of Union Voter Assessments: The Case of the 2010 AFA-CWA Representation Election at Delta Air Lines
Zachary A. Russell, Florida State University—Seeing Value in the Union: Potential Members and the Decision Process of Joining


13.4  Immigration Reform (or Not), Labor and Employment Law, and Labor Relations—Broadway IV
Chair: Chris Tilly, University of California-Los Angeles
Presenters: Shannon Gleeson, University of California, Santa Cruz—Legal Status as Precarity Multiplier: Social & Econ. Consequences of At-Will Emp. & Unjust Termination for Unauthorized Workers
Rebecca Smith, National Employment Law Project—Workplace Rights and Remedies for Undocumented Workers: A Legal Treatise
Joshua Stehlik, National Immigration Law Center—Immigration Reform and Immigrant Workers' Rights: An Update and Assessment
Stephen Lee, University of California, Irvine—The Food We Eat and the People Who Feed Us
Discussant: Janice Fine, Rutgers University

9:45 ‑ 11:15 am

National Chapter Advisory Committee Meeting—Council
Co-Chairs: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University and Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator/Mediator



11:30 am ‑ 1 pm

Concurrent Sessions


14.1  High Performance Work Practices and Employee Participation—Broadway I
Co-Chairs: Jeffrey B. Arthur, Virginia Tech University and Janet Boguslaw, Brandeis University
Presenters: Jeffrey B. Arthur, Virginia Tech University—Involvement or Commitment? How High-Performance Work Practices Affect Firm Performance and Employee Outcomes in Hotels
Rifat OZAN Senturk, The University of Texas at Austin—Effects of Employee-friendly Practices on Performance for Start-ups
Frank Mullins, North Carolina A&T State University—Who's in Charge? An Examination of Employee Participation Programs in Founder- Versus Descendent-managed Firms
Janet Boguslaw, Brandeis University—Stakeholder Engagement: developing culturally effective organizations
Sunjin Pak, Korea University—Employee-organization agreement and trust in management of HPWS effectiveness : A mediated moderation model.


14.3  Labor Supply, Session II—Broadway III
Co-Chairs: Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University and Aaron J. Sojourner, University of Minnesota
Presenters: Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University—Who Cares--and Does It Matter? Measuring Wage Penalties for Caring Work
Kyle William Albert, Cornell University—Who earns occupational certifications in the United States?
Aaron J. Sojourner and Yoon S. Hur, University of Minnesota—State Pre-kindergarten Funding and the Childcare Workforce
Hye Jin Rho, Massachusetts Institute of Technology—Language and Prejudice: The "Invisible Hand" of Gender Segregation in Modern Organizations

1 pm

Meeting Adjourns Eric Duchinsky, Labor and Employment Relations Association