2017 LERA Winter Mtg ASSA - Call for Proposals
Call for Session and Paper Proposals: LERA 2017 Winter Meeting
Posted: August 15, 2015
Organization: Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA)
Submission Date: March 9, 2016
Submission Forms: Click Here

Labor and Employment Relations Association
Call for Symposia and Paper Proposals
LERA Winter Meeting, Chicago, IL, Jan. 6-8, 2017

in conjunction with ASSA/AEA

"Equity and Prosperity:
Employment Policy for the 21st Century"

Call for Proposals Flyer Download


In an era of resurgent inequality, long-term unemployment, and widespread low-wage work, the LERA Program Committee welcomes proposals for stimulating, creative, and controversial panels related to the theme, Equity and Prosperity: Employment Policy for the 21st Century.  We also welcome proposals on a broad range of other topics, including labor and employment relations, labor market regulation, social insurance,  economic justice, technology and work organization, human resource studies, and management practices (such as pensions, health insurance, and work-life balance),  as well as topics of current interest or related more generally to the mission of LERA. We encourage submissions from the perspectives of multiple disciplines – including but not limited to economics, sociology, political science, labor and employment law, industrial relations, and human resource studies – and the perspectives of multiple stakeholders, including workers, managers, investors, and unions.

The Program Committee accepts two types of session submissions, each with seven (7) participants: Either 1 chair, 4 presenters, and 2 discussants or 1 chair, 3 presenters and 3 discussants. The Committee also accepts individual paper proposals.

At least one author of each paper must be an LERA member. (Join LERA http://www.LERAweb.org/join-lera.) Session organizers are encouraged to include participants representative of the Association’s membership if possible. Proposed sessions that include both labor and management viewpoints and that include participants with diverse gender, ethnic, institutional and geographic backgrounds will be favored. The overall program should reflect the balanced perspectives of our membership.

Papers presented in LERA symposia at the 2017 ASSA/AEA Annual Meeting in Chicago will be invited to be published in the LERA Proceedings. Visit the LERA website for complete information about our Proceedings and submission requirements.

To submit an online proposal, visit the LERA website at the Participate/LERA Meetings link at www.LERAweb.org. To
give the program committee an understanding of the proposed panel, we request that symposia organizers provide:

  • Symposium title
  • brief abstract or description of session
  • listing of session participants/affiliations, either confirmed or invited, and their role in the session and email address
  • Paper titles and brief paper abstract for all papers to be presented in the session
  • Proposals must be submitted or reach the LERA Office no later than March 9, 2016. Contact [email protected] with questions.

LERA Program Committee for the 2017 LERA Winter Meeting in Chicago, IL

Sanford Jacoby, Co-Chair, University of California, Los Angeles; Jeannette Wicks-Lim, Co-Chair, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland; Sylvia Allegretto, University of California, Berkeley; Dale Belman, Michigan State University; Teresa Ghilarducci, The New School for Social Research; Barry T. Hirsch, Georgia State University; Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute; Larry Mishel, Economic Policy Institute; Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota; Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley; William Spriggs, AFL-CIO and Howard University; and Elaine McCrate, University of Vermont (ex officio).

Due Date: March 9, 2016
Proposal Submission Forms for Symposia and Papers