What Does the Minimum Wage Do?
2014 W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Description Belman and Wolfson have compiled the most comprehensive, analytical, and unbiased assessment of the effects of minimum wage increases that has ever been produced. Based on a rigorous meta-analysis of more than 200 scholarly publications published since 1991 (most after 2000) that address the various impacts of raising the minimum wage, the authors observe several outcomes influenced by increases in the minimum wage, how long it takes those outcomes to respond, the magnitude of effects, why increases in the minimum wage have the results they do, and the workers most likely to be impacted. The breadth and depth of their investigation clarifies the issues surrounding employment, wages, poverty and inequality, and effect by gender. This is essential reading for anyone interested in the effects of raising the minimum wage. Read a posting by Jared Bernstein that mentions the book by Belman and Wolfson. Contents 1. Introduction Part 1: Micro 2. Employment 3. Hours of Employment 4. Meta-Analysis 5. Wages and Earnings 6. Human Capital 7. Poverty and Inequality
Part 2: Macro 8. Gross Flows in the Labor Market 9. Labor Force Participation Rate, Unemployment, and Vacancies 10. The Product Market 11. Conclusion Abstract This book attempts to make sense of the research on the minimum wage that began in the early 1990s. The authors look at who is affected by the minimum wage, both directly and indirectly; which observable, measurable variables (e.g., wages, employment, school enrollment) the minimum wage influences; how long it takes for the variables to respond to the minimum wage and the size and desirability of the effect; why the minimum wage has the results it does (and not others); and the workers most likely to be affected by changes to the minimum wage. Introduction: http://www.amazon.com/What-Does-Minimum-Wage-Do/dp/0880994568 Review by Randy Albelda in Perspectives Good question—and timely as well. In 2014, nine states legislated increases to their state minimum wage, while voters in four other states approved increases through the ballot box. In the same year, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Washington, D.C., also boosted their minimum wage. And no doubt, in all of these places, legislators and voters have heard answers to this question that highlight the promise and perils of increasing the minimum wage.
Belman and Wolfson provide an invaluable service, especially to academics asked to testify on minimum-wage changes, by carefully summarizing and evaluating the ndings of more than 200 studies (mostly, but not exclusively, using U.S. data) of minimum-wage changes and their impact on an array of economic outcomes. The authors also provide a new meta-analysis of these studies. It is an heroic task. The presentation of the published empirical studies on minimum-wage increases is exhaustively thorough, detailed (providing information on datasets used, techniques employed, workers targeted), and well organized. It is also, thankfully, written for an audience not steeped in sophisticated econometric techniques, unlike many of the articles they review. Still, this book will be best suited for those familiar with minimum-wage debates and who have at least a modicum of knowledge of statistics. Advocates and opponents of the minimum wage, all-purpose policy wonks, and state and local government administrators and practitioners will find the book incredibly useful in sorting out the potential (i.e., theoretical) and actual impacts of changes to the minimum wage. Fittingly, the authors recently received the Bowen Award for the most important public policy book of 2014 from the Labor Relations Section at Princeton University. So, what does the minimum wage do? The authors summa- rize their extensive survey of the literature and their meta- analysis of the research in the following straightforward and understated way: “Evidence leads us to conclude that mod- erate increases in the minimum wage are a useful means of raising wages in the lower part of the wage distribution the has little or no effect on employment and hours” (p. 401). Neither opponents’ claims that the minimum wage hurts the very same people it is supposed to help, nor proponents’ argument that minimum wage increases are the panacea for reducing poverty and wiping out inequality (although it does modestly help), seem to be overwhelmingly supported by the research. The authors’ extensive assessment of the research is calibrated in large part using the criteria of sound and increasingly sophisticated statistical techniques. Placing more weight on these studies leads Belman and Wolfson to conclude that the preponderance of evidence is that the minimum wage modestly, but signi cantly, increases the incomes of low-income workers, which in turn reduces inequality at the bottom of the earnings scale with virtually no overall reduction of the level of employment or hours of work. There is a good bit of empirical “noise” in the minimum- wage literature, and in many ways, reviewing it is a moving tar- get, given that the studies are taking place over several decades in which structural shifts are occurring, many rely on different datasets, focus on different target populations, employ different techniques, and report outcomes differently. While this makes the authors’ task all the more dif cult, it also raises questions about the ability to draw hard and fast conclusions. To the degree that empirical research can settle long-standing political debates, this book may help lower the volume on this one. Raising the minimum wage has been a more common polit- ical battle in states and localities, because the federal minimum wage is set legislatively at irregular and infrequent intervals. It is not indexed to in ation, so annually loses value. The current U.S. federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, set in 2009 (there is a much lower minimum of $2.13 for tipped workers that has notbeen changed since 1991), is often below a minimum standard of living for a single adult, let alone a worker with children. The rise in income inequality and a lackluster recovery as far as earnings go have recently fanned ames on the minimum-wage debate. Despite employer opposition, increasing the minimum wage has proved popular among the voting electorate, which may help to explain why a Republican-dominated Congress is loathe to take it up. In their review of the literature, Belman and Wolfson cover the waterfront of minimum-wage impacts. The body of the book is organized by devoting each chapter to a single or related set of economic outcomes. The authors present the predicted relationship between the outcome and the minimum wage and then discuss what the research on the topic nds. They provide an assessment of research techniques and main nding “takeaways” for each chapter topic. The task of reading is made easier by the clear, well-formatted, info-packed table summaries. In an early chapter, the authors lead the reader through some of the important debates and historic developments in methodological techniques used in minimum-wage research, most famously starting with the Alan Krueger–David Card studies ( nding no discernable employment effects) matched against those of David Neumark and William L. Wascher ( nding negative employment effects). Many minimum-wage studies rely on “difference-in-difference” models that compare changes in economic outcomes (such as employment levels) across geographic regions (or time), where in some areas (time periods), there has been an increase in the minimum wage but not in others. A particularly important standard the authors apply in their evaluation of these studies is whether researchers have applied the appropriate corrections to the serial correlation that is endemic in this technique. Serial correlation results in biased standard errors, which then exaggerate the signi cance of results. Not correcting for serial correlation was common in research conducted before the early 2000s. As a result, the authors place more stock in the research performed since then, as those are more likely to be prop- erly corrected. The authors tend to sidestep an ongoing empirical tiff among minimum-wage researchers about the proper forms of correction, which not surprisingly provides very different results. Belman and Wolfson have matched the length of the chapters to the volume of the research. This means a large portion of the book is devoted to discussing three employment effects—the level of employment, hours, and earnings. A particularly long chapter focuses on the first of these, with attention to the signs and signi cance levels of wage elasticity (the percentage change in employment that results from a percentage change in the minimum wage). The largest portion of the research on employment levels focuses on teenagers, a group that is often targeted for excluding from the minimum wage. Another chapter is devoted to hours of employment, and a third to the authors’ meta-analysis (and review of an earlier one) of these studies. A fourth chapter tackles the impact of increases on the minimum wage to wages and earnings, including how far up the wage ladder minimum-wage changes have effects and what the effects are over time. The rest of the topics they explore include: