Health Care Reform as a Prism through which to View Business Values in the United States
By: David Jacobs
Health Care Reform as a Prism through which to View Business Values in the United States
President Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA), which seeks to extend health insurance coverage through an individual mandate and new regulation of insurance companies, has met aggressive opposition from Republicans and the mainstream business lobbies. House and Senate Republicans fought hard against it with an assist from the “Tea Party.” Senate Democrats defeated a Republican filibuster. Immediately after President Obama’s signing of the bill in early 2010, the ACA faced a constitutional challenge from Republican Attorneys-General on the state level. Despite two Supreme Court rulings upholding the constitutionality of the ACA, Republican politicians in Congress and the states vowed to repeal, defy, or nullify the law, even to arrest anyone engaged in its implementation. Now President Trump and Congressional Republicans are endeavoring to repeal and replace "Obamacare." While internal Republican division has thus far prevented this, the Trump administration may undermine the plan through agency decisions. (Center for Media and Democracy 2012)
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