Preconference Activities • 1/5/2012
9 am - 5 pm |
LERA 14th Annual Ph.D. Student Consortium—Salon 3
Co-Chairs: Maite Tapia and Ryan Hammond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
10 ‑ 11:50 am |
Research by the Rank-and-File (Symposium)—Salon 1
Chair: Ruth Ruttenberg, National Labor College
Presenters: Peter Cunningham, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers— IBEW System Council T-4 vs. Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Strike of 1968 and Its Lasting Effect
Russell Dittmer, Transport Workers Union of America— The Craft or Class of "Mechanic and Related": Are They Really All Related?
Peter Kennedy, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees— Proposal of New Curriculum: What a Labor Union Is and Why It Is So Important
Krystyna Rozwadowski, Service Employees International Union— The Member Resource Center: A New Phase of a Union
11 am ‑ 12:50 pm |
Contemporary Public Sector Labor Law Issues in Higher Education - LERA Higher Education Industry Council Meeting—Logan
Chair: Judith Stilz Ogden, Clayton State University
Panelists: Patrick Sheehan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gregory M. Saltzman, Albion College
Stephen J. Hicks, Association of Pennsylvania State Colleges & University Faculties
Michael Loconto, Harvard University
11 am ‑ 1 pm |
Sub-national Labour Market Governance and Multinational Corporations in Comparative Perspective - LERA International and Comparative IR Section Meeting—Salon 6
Chair: Patrick Gunnigle, University of Limerick
Presenters: Phil Almond, Anthony Ferner and Olga Tregaskis, De Montfort University— Non-cognitive Skills and Occupational Choice: Role of Stress Tolerance and Resilience in Choice of Occupational Stressfulness
Maria C. Gonzalez, University of Oviedo; Javier Quintanilla, IESE; Phil Almond and Anthony Ferner, De Montfort University; and David Luque Balbona, University of Oviedo— Multinationals and Sub-national Governance Actors in the Autonomous Communities of Spain: The Cases of Asturias and Madrid
Jonathan Lavelle, Sinéad Monaghan and Patrick Gunnigle, University of Limerick— Industrial Relations and the Attraction and Retention of Foreign Direct Investment: A Subnational Perspective
Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal; Tod Rutherford, Syracuse University; and Matthieu Pelard, CRIMT/University of Montreal— Foreign Direct Investors and Labour Market Governance in Quebec and Ontario
11:30 am ‑ 1 pm |
LERA National Chapter Advisory Committee—Marshfield
Co-Chairs: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University and Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator
12 ‑ 1:30 pm |
LERA "Perspectives on Work" Editorial Advisory Board Meeting—Madison
Chair: Susan Cass, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12 ‑ 1:50 pm |
Updates on Mergers, Bargaining, and Employee Engagement from around the World - LERA Airline Industry Council Meeting—Salon 1
Co-Chairs: Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Robert DeLucia, Airline Industrial Relations Council; and Andrew von Nordenflycht, Simon Fraser University
12:30 ‑ 1:30 pm |
LERA Grants and Sponsorship Committee—Cresthill
Chair: Marlene K. Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies
1 ‑ 2:50 pm |
LERA Utilities Industry Council Meeting—Logan
Co-Chairs: Thomas J. Schneider, Restructuring Associates, Inc. and Jim Voye, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
1:30 ‑ 2:30 pm |
LERA Development and Contributions Committee Meeting—Cresthill
Chair: Ralph P. Craviso, Craviso & Associates
2 ‑ 4 pm |
LERA Health Care Industry Council Panel and Meeting—Salon 1
Co-Chairs: Bonnie Summers, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association; Rebecca Givan, Cornell University; Paul F. Clark, Pennsylvania State University; and Mary MacDonald, AFT HealthCare
Panelists: Dennis L. Dabney and Barbara A. Grimm, Kaiser Permanente
Mary Sitterding, Indiana University Health
Rachel Radar, BlueCross BlueShield Association
Ariel C. Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2:30 ‑ 4 pm |
LERA Certification Committee Meeting—Madison
Chair: Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2:30 ‑ 6 pm |
Employment Policy Research Network Meeting—Salon 12
Chair: Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Presenters: Rosemary Batt, Cornell University— Financialization
Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Barry Bluestone, Northeastern University— Public Sector Collective Bargaining: A Look at Several States Since Wisconsin
Till von Wachter, Columbia University and Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University— Jobs Recovery from the Great Recession and the Shape of Economic Things to Come
3 ‑ 4:30 pm |
A Discussion of the 2011 Auto Industry Negotiations - LERA Automobile Industry Council Meeting—Logan
Co-Chairs: Linda Ewing, United Auto Workers and Arthur Schwartz, General Motors Corp.
Presenter: Martin Mulloy, Ford Motor Co.
3:45 ‑ 5:45 pm |
LERA Finance and Membership Committee Meeting—Cresthill
Co-Chairs: Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator and Jeffrey H. Keefe, Rutgers University
4 ‑ 5 pm |
LERA Health Care Industry Council Reception - Good Learning, Good Food—Salon 6
Co-Chairs: Bonnie Summers, BlueCross BlueShield Association; Rebecca Givan, Cornell University; Paul F. Clark, Pennsylvania State University; and Mary MacDonald, AFT HealthCare
4:30 ‑ 6 pm |
LERA Editorial Committee Meeting—Madison
Co-Chairs: Christian E. Weller and Françoise Carré, University of Massachusetts-Boston
4:30 ‑ 6 pm |
LERA Industry Council Advisory Committee Meeting—Marshfield
Chair: Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
6 ‑ 10 pm |
LERA Executive Board Meeting—Adams (6th Fl)
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Conference Activities • 1/6/2012
8 ‑ 10 am |
Concurrent Sessions |
1.1 The Enforcement of Labor Rights in Developing Countries - LERA International and Comparative IR Interest Section (Symposium)—Salon 12
Chair: James Scoville, University of Minnesota, Industrial Relations
Presenters: Jeffrey Wheeler— A Framework for the Role of Labor Rights in International Development and Foreign Policy
Mark Anner, Pennsylvania State University— Auditing Labor Rights in the Global Apparel Industry: A Comparative Case Study of Honduras and Vietnam
Mohammad A. Abbas Ali, New York Institute of Technology— The Role of Worker Organizations in Developing Grass-root Democracy: The Egyptian Case
Discussants: Scott Nova, Workers' Rights Consortium
Greg J. Bamber, Monash University
1.2 Still Between Work and Home: Women in Today's Labor Market (Symposium)—Salon 2
Chair: Randy Albelda, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Presenters: Deborah M. Figart and Ellen Mutari, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and Marilyn Power, Sarah Lawrence College— Thinking Past Disutility: Feminist Economics of Work and Labor
Ariane Hegewisch, Institute for Women's Policy Research and Hannah Liepmann, Humboldt University— Stuck in Neutral: Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap in the US
Elaine McCrate, University of Vermont— Gender, Employer-Initiated Schedule Flexibility, and Family Care in the United States and Canada
Randy Albelda and Michael Carr, University of Massachusetts-Boston— The New Working Poor? A Look at Low-wage and Low-income Men and Women Workers, 1979-2009
Discussant: June Lapidus, Roosevelt University
1.3 New and Strategic Approaches to Worker Representation: Innovative Union Practices and Other Worker Organizations (Workshop)—Salon 7-9
Chair: Susan J. Schurman, Rutgers University
Panelists: Thomas Balanoff, SEIU Local 1— Union Strategies for Restructuring and Mobilizing: Experiences of SEIU Local 1
Monica Bielski Boris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Analysis of Union Renewal Efforts: Politics, Voice and Organizing
Jose Oliva, Restaurant Opportunities Center of Chicago— Worker Organizing Networks: Experiences of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers
Lisa Jordan, United Steelworkers— New Approaches for Industrial Unions: The USW and Transnational Labor Mobilizing
Paul F. Clark, Pennsylvania State University; Lois Spier Gray, Cornell University; and Paul V. Whitehead, Pennsylvania State University— Results of a Longitudinal Study of Union Administrative Practices: Implications for Member Representation
8:45 ‑ 10:15 am |
LERA 65th Annual Meeting Program Committee Meeting I—Salon 1
Chair: David Lewin, University of California-Los Angeles
10:15 am ‑ 12:15 pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
2.1 The Role of Staffing Services in the New Economy - LERA Labor Markets/Labor Economics Interest Section (Symposium)—Salon 2
Chair: Stephen A. Woodbury, Michigan State University
Presenters: Susan N. Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; Anne Polivka and Matthew Dey, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics— Manufacturers' Outsourcing to Staffing Services
Carolyn Heinrich, University of Texas; Sarah Hamersma, University of Florida; and Peter Mueser, University of Missouri— Temporary Help Work: Compensating Differentials and Multiple Job-Holding
Françoise Carré and Brandyn Holgate, University of Massachusetts-Boston— Facilitating Labor Market Transitions for Workers Facing Barriers: The Role of Alternative Staffing Organizations
Discussants: Ken Troske, University of Kentucky
Sari Pekkala Kerr, Wellesley College
2.2 Giving Meaning to Work: How Conceptualizations of Work Affect Research, Practice, Policy, and Social Justice (Workshop)—Salon 12
Chair: Anne Marie Lofaso, West Virginia University
Panelists: John W. Budd, University of Minnesota— Theorizing Work: Approaches and Implications
Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts-Amherst— For Love and Money: Defining and Valuing Care Work
Robert Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Portrayals of Work in Popular Culture: Many Hands Make Light of Work and Workers
Ellen Dannin, Pennsylvania State University— Judging Work: What Law Sees, or Does Not See
Keith Kelleher, SEIU HCII— How Work is Recognized: Implications for Unions
2.3 Innovations in Payroll Fraud (Symposium)—Salon 7-9
Chair: Dale Belman, Michigan State University
Presenters: Allen Smith, AFL-CIO— Benefits Fraud Under Prevailing Wage Law
Matthew Capece, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America— Innovations in Payroll Fraud
Jed L. Marcus, Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.— The Impact of Payroll Fraud on the Business Community
Philip A. LaPorte, Georgia State University— Federal and State Efforts to Reduce Payroll Fraud
Discussant: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University
10 am ‑ 1 pm |
UCIRHRP Deans & Directors Meeting—Cresthill
Chair: Jeff Houghton, West Virginia University
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
Efforts to Dismantle Teachers' Union (Collective Bargaining) Rights - LERA Labor Studies and Union Research Interest Section Meeting—Salon 12
Co-Chairs: Robert Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Erin E. Johansson, American Rights at Work
Presenters: Daniel Montgomery, American Federation of Teachers
Karen Lewis, Chicago Teachers Union
James Thindwa, Chicago Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff
James Franczek, Chicago Public Schools
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
Technology and Labor and Employment Law - LERA Labor and Employment Law Section Meeting—Madison
Chair: Ellen Dannin, Pennsylvania State University
Presenters: Kenneth May, BNA— Technology and Labor Arbitration
Carrie Griffin Basas, University of North Carolina— Public Sector Bargaining Agreements, Disability Rights, and Technology as Access
Anne Marie Lofaso, West Virginia University— The Role of Law: Using Technology to Promote Coal Mine Safety
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
Are You Thinking About Becoming a Labor Arbitrator? LERA Dispute Resolution Section Meeting—Salon 6
Chair: Richard Fincher, Workplace Resolutions LLC
Panelists: Sheila G. Mayberry, Arbitrator— Gaining Acceptability for Emerging Arbitrators
Rocco M. Scanza, Cornell University— Barriers to Entry for Emerging Arbitrators
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
Public Sector Bargaining Law and a New Breed of Governors - LERA Collective Bargaining Network Interest Section Meeting—Salon 2
Co-Chairs: Howard Stanger, Canisius College and Lynne Mingarelli, American Federation of Teachers
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
Economic Structures and Employment Rights - LERA Work and Employment Relations Network Interest Section Meeting—Salon 7-9
Chair: Virginia Doellgast, King's College
Presenters: David Weil, Boston University
Annette Bernhardt, National Employment Law Project
Alexander J.S. Colvin, Cornell University
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
Topics in Compensation and Human Capital - LERA Labor Markets and Economics Interest Section Meeting—Logan
Co-Chairs: Dale Belman, Michigan State University; Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University; and Stephen A. Woodbury, Michigan State University
Presenters: Jeffrey R. Brown and Chichun Fang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Francisco Gomes, London Business School— Risk and Returns to Education: The Value of Human Capital
Fidan Ana Kurtulus, University of Massachusetts-Amherst— Affirmative Action and the Occupational Advancement of Minorities and Women during 1973-2003
Darren Lubotsky and Craig Olson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— The Wage-Employer Provided Health Insurance Trade-off and Employee Premium Copayments
Masaki Nakabayashi, University of Tokyo Institutte of Social Science— Schooling, Employer Learning, and Internal Labor Market Effects: Wage Dynamics and Human Capital Investment in the Japanese Steel Industry, 1930-1960
Ofer Sharone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology— Chemistry or Specs: Job Search Games and Subjective Responses to Unemployment
2:30 ‑ 4:30 pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
3.1 Alternative Forms of Worker Representation: Lessons from Selected Sectors and Countries (Symposium)—Salon 12
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Presenters: Koshi Endo, Meiji University, School of Business Administration and Ken Yamazaki, Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training— Individual Affiliate Unions (IAUs) and Labor Non Profit Organizations in Japan
Janice Fine, Rutgers University— Trends in Alternative Forms of Worker Representation in the US
Barbara Young, National Domestic Workers Alliance— Organizing and Representation by the National Domestic Workers Alliance
Karen Nussbaum, Working America— Expanding Union Influence
3.2 The Impact of Sports Collective Bargaining on Labor Relations in Society (Workshop)—Salon 7-9
Co-Chairs: Gabriel Gershenfeld, Cleveland Indians and Michael Wasser, American Rights at Work
Presenters: DeMaurice Smith, NFL Players Association— Sports Collective Bargaining: Sports Labor Perspective
Rob Manfred, Major League Baseball— Sports Collective Bargaining: Sports Management Perspective
Arlene Holt-Baker, AFL-CIO— Impact of Sports Collective Bargaining on Labor in America
Martin Mulloy, Ford Motor Co.— Impact of Sports Collective Bargaining on Management in America
3.3 Social Media and the National Labor Relations Act - Chicago LERA Chapter (Workshop)—Salon 2
Chair: Charles Muhl, Chicago NLRB, Region 13
Panelists: Wesley Kennedy, Allison, Slutsky & Kennedy, P.C.— Social Media and the NLRA: Labor Perspective
Lisa McGarrity, Franczek Radelet P.C.— Social Media and the NLRA: Management Perspective
3.4 LERA Refereed Papers I (Symposium)—Salon 6
Chair: Ariel C. Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presenters: J. Ryan Lamare, University of Manchester— Does It Pay to Contact the Same Voters across Multiple Elections? The Effects of Cumulative Labor-Led Political Mobilization on Turnout
Avner Ben-Ner, University of Minnesota and Ainhoa Urtasun, Universidad Pública de Navarra— Computerization and Skill Bifurcation: The Role of Task Complexity in Creating Skill Gains and Losses
Jack Fiorito, Florida State University and Cheryl L. Maranto, Marquette University— Now and Future Unions
Daniel J. Koys and Wm. Marty Martin, DePaul University; Marsha Katz, Governors State University; and Helen LaVan, DePaul University— Unions and Hospitals: Quality, Patient Satisfaction, and Net Income
Xiangmin (Helen) Liu, Pennsylvania State University— Effects of Stock Markets on the Adoption of Temporary Employment Contracts: Evidence from China
Discussant: Phanindra Wunnava, Middlebury College
4:45 ‑ 5:45 pm |
LERA Distinguished Speaker—Honoré (Lobby Level)
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Featured Speaker: Wilma B. Liebman, National Labor Relations Board (ret.)— Rhetoric, Reaction and the Rule of Law at the NLRB
6 ‑ 7:30 pm |
LERA and Joint Universities Welcome Reception - Sponsored by Cornell Univ., Univ. of Illinois at Urb.-Champ., MIT, Penn State, Rutgers, UCLA, Michigan State, Univ. of Toronto, and Univ. of RI—Empire (Lobby Level)
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Conference Activities • 1/7/2012
7 ‑ 8 am |
Annual AFL-CIO Breakfast and Featured Speaker—Empire (Lobby Level)
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Featured Speaker: Daniel Montgomery, American Federation of Teachers— Hard Times: Education and Labor Relations 'For These Times'
8 ‑ 10 am |
LERA Chapter Representatives Workshops and Awards Ceremony—Salon 3
Chair: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University
Panelists: Bonnie Castrey, Arbitrator; Douglas Drake, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; and Marlene K. Heyser, Workplace Law Strategies— Workshop 1: Chapter Administration and Bylaws
Beverly Harrison, Arbitrator/Mediator; Lavonne Ritter and Dennis Teel, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; and Patrick Rasco, NASA— Workshop 2: Member Recruitment and Retention
Philip A. LaPorte, Georgia State University; Eric M. Mooshegian, IUOE Local 148; and Kathleen Erskine, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service— Workshop 3: Services and Programming
8 ‑ 10 am |
Concurrent Sessions |
4.1 Job Quality: Trends and Challenges (Symposium)—Salon 7-9
Chair: Ruth Milkman, City University of New York Graduate Center
Presenters: Paul Osterman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology— Career Ladders: Prospects and Challenges
Annette Bernhardt, National Employment Law Project— All Work and No Pay: Violations of Employment and Labor Laws in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City
Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research and Mary Gatta, Wider Opportunities for Women— Improving Job Quality in Health Care and Hospitality
4.2 Skills, Work, and Technology: The Increased Supply of Global Graduates and its Implications (Symposium)—Salon 12
Chair: Charles J. Whalen, Congressional Budget Office
Presenters: David Finegold, Rutgers University— India's Talent-led Growth Model
Mingwei Liu, Rutgers University— China's Ten-Fold Increase in Graduates: Will Labor Demand Absorb Them?
Hal Salzman, Rutgers University— Global Talent Arbitrage and Its Implications for the US
Discussant: Ron Hira, Rochester Institute of Technology
4.3 LERA Refereed Papers II (Symposium)—Salon 2
Chair: Howard Stanger, Canisius College
Presenters: Zev Eigen, Northwestern University and Adam Seth Litwin, Johns Hopkins University— Ducks and Decoys: Revisiting the Exit-Voice-Loyalty Framework in Assessing the Impact of a Workplace Dispute Resolution System
Ben Kriechel, Maastricht University; Samuel Muehlemann, University of Berne; Harald Pfeifer and Miriam Schuette, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training— Works Councils, Collective Bargaining, and Apprenticeship Training
Xianghong (Shirley) Wang and HuiHua Nie, Renmin University of China— The Impact of Collective Wage Agreements in China: A Firm Level Study
Joseph B. Rose, McMaster University— Centralized Bargaining and the Construction Industry
Sylvia A. Allegretto, University of California-Berkeley and Gordon Lafer, University of Oregon— Right-to-Work Legislation and Promises of Job Creation: Lessons from Oklahoma
Discussant: Gregory M. Saltzman, Albion College
9 ‑ 11 am |
4.4 LERA Poster Sessions I and II (Symposium)—Crystal
Chair: Robert C. Hoell, Georgia Southern University
Presenters: Jing Wang, Saint Mary's University and Byron Lee, Renmin University of China, Organization and Human Resources— Does Meeting Employees' Preference of Hours Pay off: An Empirical Study of Canadian Workers
Huan Ni, Govind Hariharan and Xiao Huang, Kennesaw State University— Understanding the Differences in Longevity Expectancy between Older American Entrepreneurs and Their Peers
Edward Hertenstein and Helena Worthen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Michelle Kaminski, Michigan State University— Following the Work: Case Studies of Public Sector Unions Organizing in the Private Sector
Russell Ormiston, Allegheny College— High School Employment and the Development of Occupation-specific Human Capital
Chunyun Li, Rutgers University— Does Unions' Voice Matter in Chinese Workplace? Evidence from 1268 Firms in China
Edwin W. Arnold, Auburn Montgomery— Certification Elections in Hospital and Non-hospital Healthcare Industry Segments
Timothy J. Keaveny and Peter Toumanoff, Marquette University— Factors Related to Employment Spells
Helen LaVan and Yvette Lopez, DePaul University; Marsha Katz, Governors State University; and Wm. Marty Martin, DePaul University— Spillover of Domestic Violence into the Workplace: Where We Stand
Kristian E. Braekkan and Rebecca Krocak, Gustavus Adolphus College— From Breach to Violation: An Examination of the Moderating Role of Union Instrumentality upon Perceptions of Psychological Contract Breach and Violations
Burcu Bolukbasi and Erik Young, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Antecedents of Union Loyalty and Membership: The Impact of Pro-union Attitudes, Union Instrumentality, and Procedural Justice
Ji-Young Ahn and Jihye Hong, Ewha Womans University— Who Stays and Who Leaves: CEO Change and Non-CEO Top Executive Turnover
Yoshio Yanadori and Danielle van Jaarsveld, University of British Columbia— High Involvement Work Practices from Employees' Perspectives: The Relationship among Individual Practices and Performance Effect on High Involvement Work Practice Indices
Timothy D. Chandler, Louisiana State University and Rafael Gely, University of Missouri— Card-check Laws and Public Sector Union Membership
Francesco L. Galassi, HRSDC - Labour— Labour Rights and Export Performance
Reuben Domike, Wendy R. Carroll and Scott Wilson, University of Prince Edward Island— Developing A Canadian Economic Dashboard: A US-Canadian Comparison
Erin Hatton, State University of New York at Buffalo— Blocking Unions and Breaking Strikes: Employers' Use of Temps during Labor Disputes
Carrie G. Donald, John D. Ralston and Sarin Adhikari, University of Louisville— Analysis of Labor Arbitration Decisions Regarding Workplace Safety & Health: 1979-2010
Leonard C. Scott, Consultant— America Needs a New Set of Labor Laws
Patrice Laroche, Nancy Université and Chris Doucouliagos, Deakin University— Unions, Innovation, and Technology Adoption: New Insights from the Cross-country Evidence
Betty Barrett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— New Technologies Demand New Sociotechnical Work Design and Capabilities
Franck Bietry, Université de Caen and Patrice Laroche, Nancy Université— Beyond Commitment Conflict: An Investigation of the Relationships between Union, Career and Organizational Commitments
10:15 am ‑ 12:15 pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
5.1 The Historical Development of HRM Across Nations: Patterns and Implications (Symposium)—Salon 2
Chair: Peter Feuille, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Panelists: Jacques Rojot, University of Paris II Sorbonne— The Development of the HRM Function - France
Itzhak Harpaz, University of Haifa— The Development of the HRM Function - Israel
Lena Gonäs and , Karlstad University— The Development of the HRM Function - Sweden
Lale Tuzuner, Istanbul Universitesi— The Development of the HRM Function - Turkey
John T. Delaney, University of Pittsburgh— The Development of the HRM Function - USA
Bruce E. Kaufman, Georgia State University— Overview of 17 Countries: Lessons Learned Regarding the Roots of HRM
5.2 Employment Relations and Alternative Organizing Strategies for Workers in High-tech Occupations (Workshop)—Salon 12
Chair: Daniel Marschall, AFL-CIO
Panelists: Chris Benner, Pennsylvania State University and Ingrid Behrsin, University of California, Davis— Craft Guilds and Social Networking to Organize High-tech Workers
Danielle van Jaarsveld, University of British Columbia— WashTech and Mutual Aid Logic in Organizing High-tech Workers
Johanna Weststar, Saint Mary's University— Occupational Community: Opportunity or Threat to Collective Action Among Video Game Developers?
Chip McCormick, CommerceHub— Alternative Organizational Forms of Open Source Software Developers
Discussant: Paul Almeida, AFL-CIO
5.3 The Great Debate about the Public Sector (Symposium)—Salon 7-9
Co-Chairs: David Lewin, University of California-Los Angeles and Harry C. Katz, Cornell University
Presenters: Craig Olson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Teacher Pay and Health Benefits: Evidence from Wisconsin and Illinois
Jeffrey H. Keefe, Rutgers University— Public/Private Sector Compensation Comparisons and Differentials: National and State Level Evidence
Lauren Schmitz, The New School for Social Research— How Policymakers and State Pension Funds Can Help Prevent the Coming Retirement Income Crisis
Saul Rubinstein, Rutgers University and Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Labor-Management Innovation in the Public Sector
Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology— Transformational Strategy for Public Sector Labor, Management and Policy Makers
Discussants: Bonnie Prouty Castrey, Mediator/Arbitrator
Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University
11:30 am ‑ 3 pm |
SABE Poster Session—Crystal Room
Chair: Shabnam Modarres Mousavi, Georgia State University
Presenters: Natalia Candelo-Londoño, Rachel T.A. Croson and Xin (Sherry) Li, University of Texas at Dallas— Social Exclusion and Identity: A Field Experiment with Hispanic Immigrants
Glenn G. Kelly, Economists Incorporated and Michael P. Murray, Bates College— Looking for Cumulative Prospect Theory in "Deal or No Deal"
Hannah Lin and David Dong, Peking University— Deserving Altruism: Type Preferences in the Laboratory
Shu-Heng Chen, Lee-Xieng Yang and Ye-Rong Du, National Chengchi University, Taiwan— Intelligence and Level-k Reasoning in Beauty-Contest Experiments: An Integrated Analysis
Zhuoqiong (Charlie) Chen and David Ong, Peking University— Tiger Women of Chinese Universities: An Experiment on Sorting by Ambition in Chinese Universitie
Hannah Lin and David Ong, Peking University— Separating Gratitude from Guilt in the Laboratory
David Ong and Jingwen (Grace) Niu, Peking University— Can There Ever Be Too Many Flavors of Haagen-Dazs? Revisiting "Variety Aversion"
Reza Kheirandish, Clayton State University and Pushkin Kachroo, University of Nevada— Using Control Theory to Obtain Optimal Number of Choices on a Shopping Website
Shabnam Modarres Mousavi, Georgia State University— Can Behavioral Theory Train Wiser Decision Makers?
Tirthatanmoy Das, State University of New York at Binghamton— Non-cognitive Skills and Occupational Choice: Role of Stress Tolerance and Resilience in Choice of Occupational Stressfulness
12:30 ‑ 2:15 pm |
LERA Presidential Luncheon—Empire (Lobby Level)
Chair: David Lewin, University of California-Los Angeles
Featured Speaker: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)— Trends in Collective Bargaining and the Future of Workplace Representation
2:30 ‑ 4:30 pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
6.1 Comparative Perspectives on Investment Funds and their Impact on Employment and Labor Relations (Symposium)—Salon 2
Chair: Sanford M. Jacoby, University of California-Los Angeles
Presenters: Andrew Pendleton, University of York and Howard Gospel, King's College London— Impact of Investment Funds on Firm Restructuring and Employment in Europe
Rosemary Batt, Cornell University; Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research; and Jae Eun Lee, Cornell University— Alternative Investment Funds and Their Impact on US Labor and Employment Relations
Gerald Davis, University of Michigan— Finance Capitalism 2.0: How Fidelity Became the New JP Morgan
Discussant: Daniel Pedrotty, AFL-CIO
6.2 Union Strategic Research: A Closer Look (Workshop)—Salon 7-9
Chair: Jack Fiorito, Florida State University
Panelists: Emily E. LaBarbera Twarog, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Research as Power: Understanding the Evolution of Strategic Research
Mathias Bolton, Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union— Teaching Union Research
Chris Tilly, University of California-Los Angeles— Analyze to Win: How Strategic Research Has Revolutionized Union Organizing ... Or Has It?
Henry Tamarin, UNITE-HERE Local 1 Chicago— UNITE-HERE, Hotel Workers Rising, and the Uses of Research
Iain D. Gold, International Brotherhood of Teamsters— How the Teamsters Use Strategic Research
6.3 Bargaining for Quality: Labor Management Relations and the Delivery of High Quality Health Care - LERA Health Care Industry Council (Symposium)—Salon 12
Chair: Jody Hoffer Gittell, Brandeis University
Presenters: Rebecca Givan, Cornell University— Providing Socialized Health Care: Unions in the Indian Health Service and Veterans' Administration
Paul F. Clark and Julie Sadler, Pennsylvania State University and Ariel C. Avgar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— Partnering for Patients: A Case Study of Unit-based Collaboration in Health Care
Peter Lazes and Maria Figueroa, Cornell University and Carla Katz, Rutgers University— Why Labor-Management Partnerships Have Made A Difference
Michael Ash, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Economics; Joanne Spetz, Jean Ann Seago, Carolina Herrera and Dennis Keane, University of California, San Francisco— Strategy or Tactics? Factors Associated with the Growth of RN Unions
Discussants: Stephen Bach, Kings College London
Mary MacDonald, AFT HealthCare
6.4 AILR/LERA Best Papers Session (Symposium)—Salon 1
Chair: Paul J. Gollan, Macquarie University
Presenters: Ian Greer, Mark Stuart and Ian Greenwood, University of Leeds— The System Versus the Street: Employment and Contracting in the International Welfare-to-work Industry
Saul Rubinstein and John McCarthy, Rutgers University— Reforming U.S. Public School Systems Through Sustained Union-Management Collaborative Partnerships
Brendan Sweeney, Queen's University— Comparative Employment Relations Research and Cross-Border Regions: The Case of Cascadia's Forest Industry
Jonathan Marc Hamberger, Macquarie University— The Development of a Dual System for the Resolution of Workplace Disputes in Australia
2:30 ‑ 4:30 pm |
IIRA Studies Group Meeting—Salon 3
Chair: Daniel J.B. Mitchell, University of California-Los Angeles
4:45 ‑ 5:45 pm |
National and Local Jobs Policy and Program Alternatives - LERA Distinguished Panel—Honoré (Lobby Level)
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Featured Speakers: Bob Herbert, Demos
Lawrence Mishel, Economic Policy Institute
6 ‑ 7 pm |
LERA General Membership Meeting and Awards Ceremony—Honoré (Lobby Level)
Chair: Gordon R. Pavy, AFL-CIO (ret.)
Conference Activities • 1/8/2012
8 ‑ 10 am |
Concurrent Sessions |
7.1 Vulnerable Workers; Precarious Work: A Global Perspective (Symposium)—Salon 12
Chair: Janice Bellace, University of Pennsylvania
Presenters: Michele Tiraboschi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia— Young Workers in Recessionary Times: The European Experience
Susan Bisom-Rapp, Thomas Jefferson School of Law— Older Workers in Recessionary Times: The American Experience
Michael Quinlan, University of New South Wales— How Precarious Employment Damages Health: Evidence from Australia
Discussants: Malcolm Sargeant, Middlesex University
J. Ryan Lamare, University of Manchester
7.2 The Impact of the Great Recession on Public Sector Employment - LERA Research Volume Preview (Symposium)—Salon 7-9
Chair: Daniel J.B. Mitchell, University of California-Los Angeles
Presenters: Keith A. Bender and John S. Heywood, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee— Trends in the Compensation of State and Local Employees
Christian E. Weller, University of Massachusetts-Boston and Ilana Boivie, National Institute on Retirement Security— Public Pension and Employment Relations in the Public Sector after the Great Recession
William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers University— Impact of the Great Recession on Diversity in State and Local Employment
Ellen Dannin, Pennsylvania State University— Privatization and the Great Recession
7.3 The Outcome Effects of Unionization on Care Workers (Workshop)—Salon 2
Chair: Erin E. Johansson, American Rights at Work
Presenters: Linda Houser, Rutgers University— Unionized Home-based Child Care Providers in New Jersey
Gary Burris, Economic Opportunity Institute— Impact of Training on License Exempt Child Care Providers
Michelle M. Chen, Florida International University; David C. Grabowski, Harvard University, Harvard Medical School; Aaron J. Sojourner, University of Minnesota; and Robert J. Town, University of Minnesota, School of Public Health— Effects of Unions in Nursing Homes
Joanne Spetz, University of California, San Francisco; Michael Ash, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Economics; Jean Ann Seago, Carolina Herrera and Dennis Keane, University of California, San Francisco— The Effect of Hospital Unions on Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes
8 ‑ 10 am |
LERA 65th Annual Meeting Program Committee Meeting II—Cresthill
Chair: David Lewin, University of California-Los Angeles
10:15 am ‑ 12:15 pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
8.1 Does Community Organising Make Sense? Trade Unions Perspectives from around the World (Symposium)—Salon 12
Chair: Greg J. Bamber, Monash University
Presenters: Jane Holgate, University of Leeds— Challenges to Effective Engagement of Trade Unions in Broad-based Community Alliances: A Comparative Study of London and Sydney
Maite Tapia— The Diffusion of a 'Mobilizing Culture'? Community Organizing in Boston and Berlin
Jo McBride, University of Bradford— Taking Workplace Unionism into the Community: An Example from the North of England
Paul Stewart, University of Strathclyde— Union Disorganising, Community Organising: Labour and Migrant Communities in the North of Ireland's Sectarian Society
Amanda Tattersall, University of Sydney— Using Community Organizing to Build Strong Labor-community Coalitions
8.2 Creating a Climate of Employee Voice (Workshop)—Salon 7-9
Chair: Adrienne E. Eaton, Rutgers University
Presenters: Peter Berg, Ellen Ernst Kossek, Kaumudi Misra and Dale Belman, Michigan State University— Do Unions Matter for Work-Life Flexibility Policy Access and Use?
Lonnie Golden, Pennsylvania State University-Abington; Susan Lambert and Julia Henly, University of Chicago— Flexibility and Control for Workers: Path to Employee Happiness?
Douglas Mahony, Lehigh University— The Efficacy of Peer Review Panels as Systems of Employee Voice
Debra L. Casey, Pennsylvania State University-Abington— Facilitating Employee Voice through Workplace Structures: Is there a Relationship to Organizational Innovation?
Discussants: David Lewin, University of California-Los Angeles
Ann C. Frost, University of Western Ontario
8.3 Whistleblowing as Workers' Voice and Institutional Tactic: Recent Developments in the Law and Potential Tactical Use (Workshop)—Salon 2
Chair: E. Patrick McDermott, Salisbury University
Panelists: Daniel E. Campbell, International Longshoremens Local #2001— NGO Use of Whistleblower Law Under Dodd-Frank and SOX
Manfred Elfstrom, Cornell University— Can Dodd-Frank and Other Whistleblowing Laws be Used to Influence U.S. Corporations' in China? Earl Brown, Solidarity Center